I was walking out of the hospital today and there was a terrible wind I closed my mouth and tried to breath through my nose I couldn't manage that In the warm windy weather what do you cover your mouth with as it's to hot for a scarf x
Out of Breath: I was walking out of the... - Lung Conditions C...
Out of Breath

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I'm sad to say, Taffydaffy, that I've not experienced any warm wind this year. But last year I can recall cupping my hand over my nose and mouth to shield me from the worst of the wind helped. The weather here is still cold enough to get away with scarf wearing for the time being. It'll be interesting to see what others do, though.
Bandanas and cowboy boots with stirrups for on my mobility scooter
Even As A Roll Cage For Those UK Pot Holes :))
Cool that would stop the wind going in my face lol x
A doctor told me if you blow in a baby's face they stop breathing, a similar thing happens when we get a strong wind in our faces. Plus the change of temperature from that nice gentle warmth they manage to maintain in hospital (joking) to the chill factor outside all make breathing hard work.
Walking with the wind a pleasure, walking against it torture
If anyone comes up with a practical answer I would be grateful, the wind in my husbands face completely flaws him and has been the cause of a number of panic attacks! TAD xx
As I can only wear natural fibres I have a fine cashmere (best family present ever) and a fine cotton one for when it's windy - also useful for ducking and diving to avoid cig, car and lorry fumes
how strange i like the wind at my face has gives me air has long has not cold but my wife has said the same that the wind blows on her face warm or cold she finds it hard to breath and she do not have copd but she is now thinking of getting checked
Thanks guys you always sort me and my problems out bandanas bought in 4 different colours to mix and match and to hold gently to my mouth simples x
Bandana Is Serious Answer
Can't Do 100 Different THings With Dust Mask ... But You Can 100 Other With Bandana pmaresearch.com/cowboy-tips...
Here See What My Cowboy Friends Do

I have ordered 5 in different colours great Idea to match my coats lol after all I am a woman I need to coordinate thanks babe x
OK Daz, I've been run out of town with my hands up. Just one thing ... wouldn't two dust masks make a better bra than a bandana? Taffydaffy I'm not sure about colours. Green would be too much like coughing product. We could have ones that change colour with our moods. That could be a warning to anyone! Have a good night's sleep. Alison
I forgot what I was going to say???????????????????????????????????????
Ah, it's catching then...
All good advice except then my glasses get steamed up!
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