Hi all and hope you are all enjoying the warm weather and not suffering from it. I am a bit confused about my blood pressure. The nurse came today and my blood pressure is 86/60 on right arm, 103/70 on left. Any information please?She was worried with right arm but left was better. Have to see doctor. π€

Stumpy,from what i understand your left arm being nearer to your heart is usually slighter higher than your right,your bp at the moment at 86/60 is a little low but not dramatically so and your 103/70 is nigh on perfectly normal.i am of course no doctor but unless you are feeling very light headed with the slightly low bp i wouldn't worry to much until you have seen your gp who should reassure you,hope that helps a little my love...........Ski's and Scruffy xx
Thanks a lot skis, that helps me a lot. I thought it didn't make sence right or left, but you explained it beautifully. I don't feel light headed, just breathless as we all do and the heat doesn't help skis. I hope you and Scruffy are keeping well π€π
Skis, I think you should be a doctor or indeed, a doctor interpreter. You always explain things so clearly.
Skis have a great reply so hope things are ok now Stumpy. Wishing you well. Xxxx
Make sure you are drinking enough in this warm weather Stumpy55 as being dehydrated can lower blood pressure.
Yes I'm always being told off about water intake as I don't like cold drinks very much but love tea and coffee. I do drink water now and again only cause I have to. Thankyou xx
Tea and coffee are better than not drinking enough.
I thought the same as you Ergendl, but according to the doctor and Nurses they disagree saying about too much caffeine and it's not good for us. I was raised on tea βοΈ and I'm hooked lol.βοΈπ
Yes, too much caffeine isn't good for us, but the jury's out on how much is too much. The historical recommendation of under 400 mg for pregnant women equates to about 4 mugs of builders tea or three strong dark roast coffees (this limit has been revised down to 200 mg in the USA), to protect the unborn child. Some people reach this daily limit eating too much chocolate!
Visit news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/... for an interesting article giving guidance about safe caffeine levels in pregnancy. I choose these days to drink decaf tea and coffee and herbal teas. With instant coffee and tea, of course, it depends on how much you put in.
Hello Hun, I'm normally 122/78 left arm, which is good, if it is higher, I wait and do some Breathing exercises, relaxing tends to bring it down. If your worried see your GP, you may need the correct meds. Take care, Love n Hugs Carolina xxxx