Last xmas I collapsed with pneumonia and septicaemia. Some years ago I was operated on for lung cancer so pneumonia didn’t do me any favours! My problem now is breathlessness,which is making me a house prisoner and I am constantly, physically worn out. Has anyone suffered similar. Have always been positive but this is really getting me down.
Pneumonia Recovery Time: Last xmas I... - Lung Conditions C...
Pneumonia Recovery Time

Hi Christmas 2016 I had bilateral pneumonia and septicemia. Recovery is different to everyone and it did take me a good six months to get anywhere near normal. I steadily built up an exercise program. Followed a high protein diet and gradually got where I wanted to be. Perhaps a pulmonary rehabilitation course would help you? Or you could ring the BLF helpline and talk through options with one of their trained nurses.
Hi Maureen
Do go back to your GP or consultant and see what they can do about that breathlessness.
Take care and let us know how you are getting on xx
I know about breathlessness Maureen and it's scary especially when you are struggling and the panic switches on, it's a bad place to be. And the relief when you get the right treatment that kicks in. If I were you Maureen I would get Intouch with your G.P and tell him/her that you are constantly breathless with no let up and you should get the right treatment. You shouldn't be constantly breathless. Are you using nebuliser s? Please don't delay and let us know how you get on ? Take care of yourself 🌹🙂
My husband had pneumonia and flu just before Christmas, he is still on 24/7 O2. Saw his consultant last week who reiterated that pneumonia takes a long time to recover from even without a pre existing condition. Worth checking in with your GP but try not to worry too much.
Lots of rest and maybe a visit to gp again soon if your not improving. Can you have the pneumonia injection soon to help you not get it again? Ask your gp as you should be entitled to it given the lung cancer too. X
I fully understand your breathlessness as my husband is the same following his time in hospital with a viral infection. He says he can't move much because of breathlessness and is waiting til he feels better. Thing is the physios in hospital had him doing things every day- breathing exercises, walking, a few minutes on 3 gym machines. They said not to worry about the breathlessness but see whether his recovery time was shorter. They measured his oxygen levels too and he did the exercises with oxygen. I would love to know if his and your breathlessness can improve.
Best wishes
Can't add anything to all this helpful advice and experience - just want to say that even when I was much younger and fitter pneumonia recovery always took at least 6 months. So you're still within the norms, frustrating though this is. Re pneumonia vaccine, it's probably important if you haven't done it yet. My doc gave me the new version but she also wants me to have the older version - Pneumovac here - because she says it covers some bacteria that were left out of the new revised formula. Be good to yourself - hope to hear better news soon!
I would thoroughly recommend Pulmonary Rehab. The lungs are a muscle. Although it seems bizarre to make breathlessness worse by exercise, it really does help. You have to break a few eggs to make an omlette 😀 i was in HDU before Xmas, with pneumonia and acute respiratory failure. I wasn't expected to survive. I couldn't do anything without being out of breath. Wasn't expecting much from rehab, was quite frightened actually. Wow the difference in me at the end of the 6 weeks! I still exercise daily now and I am still improving. Hope you find some relief soon. It is exhausting, you are using up so much energy. Really feel for you. Please speak to your gp/consultant before you become any worse xxx
It takes a long time to get over pneumonia, you might need a little help from your doctor x take care 🌻🌺🌻
Difficult one this. Suggest you visit the GP and explain the problem clearly. Meanwhile diet and exercise are a good thing and look at the BLF site for ideas. As some people have said it takes a while to recover. It does get one ,down have you a hobby that can take your mind off it? Good luck and never give up.