Hi, was wondering if anyone else isnt sure when to start taking their emergency meds, antibiotics and prednisone. Is it best to take them as soon as you suspect your coming down with a chest infection or wait and see if symptoms get worse ?
Emergency medication: Hi, was wondering... - Lung Conditions C...
Emergency medication

Did you not receive a management plan.
Typical one.
Thanks stone. No i didn't receive a management plan. Ive looked at the one you posted and found it helpful.
Yes having a self management plan to help us be aware of how we need to management medication is the best help too I find. 😊
If you're thinking about asthma, as soon as you suspect you're coming down with a chest infection. Your breathing will only get worse....I've been there many times. My GP said forget apprehension about more steroids and abs, think of the lung scarring that's likely to occur if you're an asthmatic with a chest infection- something to do with the inflammation constantly with you. Scarring in the lungs is irreversible. So I jump to at the first signs of trouble now, and find I recover just a bit sooner too.....though still weeks not days unfortunately.
I always take as soon as my phlegm changes to a darker colour
I’m the same, I think am I bad enough? But I left it too long last time and ended up,in the urgent care.
I asked the respiratory nurse same question because do not want to take antibiotics unnecessary she said as soon as you think you may have infection send a sample of sputem to doctors as change of colour does not always mean infection
I keep a che k on my peak flow. when it starts to drop I start taking steroids.. if im aware i also have chest infection have a phone consultation with gp and they advise.
I have a management plan and still find it difficult to know when to take my emergency meds. Too soon and your not sure if you had a chest infection, too late and it feels like you may have left it too late! I try natural remedies first now, and if they don't ease the symptoms or have effect within 4 hours I go for the rescue pack.
1 Tablespoon raw apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon raw honey
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
In mug of boiling water (cooled)
If that doesn't fix symptoms I go for the hard stuff!