I gave up caffeine two weeks ago, just a whim, not for any particular reason. Had headaches for a week. The plus side is, since then my phlegm has been significantly reduced. Not sure how long it will last but I'm enjoying it while it does. I wasn't aware that caffeine caused phlegm until I googled it. So could be worth a try.
Caffeine and Bronchiectasis - Lung Conditions C...
Caffeine and Bronchiectasis

Not sure about the caffeine but whatever makes you feel better is good. I don't drink much coffee, maybe one cup per day and strong stuff makes me sicky dizzy but I do have the caffeinated instant stuff as the decaff tastes yuck to me. I drink quite a bit of tea though which apparantly has more caffeine than coffee. Do keep us up to date with how you go on cutting it out.
Glad it's worked for you. I couldn't do without my coffee - especially that first one of the day when I wake up. I drink it strong and it helps with my breathing while I wait for my morning meds to kick in. Caffeine contains Theophylline which is a type of 'drug' also used in COPD/Asthma drugs. I had always enjoyed a morning coffee and felt better for it but it wasn't until I read a book on COPD that I learned it could be helpful. That said, if you feel better without it then that's great. For tea lovers it's even better news as tea contains even more caffeine than coffee For more info on it's effects see this wikki page on the subject: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theop...

I can't do without my coffee either. I can't say I've noticed any difference in taste having decaff. It does seem strange that my phlegm reduced the day after I stopped drinking caffeinated coffee, but whatever the reason, I hope it lasts.

That is a misunderstanding. Coffee beans vs. tea leaves will show tea at higher levels, but, after brewing, a cup of black tea on average has about half the level of caffeine as a cup of coffee. Green and whites teas are even lower.
Love decaf now,hated it at first. But was getting severe hypertension,jittery ect hyper! My cardiologist said I can have decaf! I love Gevalia,tried Mcdonalds,Dunkin donuts,Maxwellhouse ect only like Gevallia. Lol : ) I had such bad headaches at first,he said its from no coffie,but i found that if i added half scoop of reg coffee with decaf worked for me in beginning, then i did a teaspoon,then none,till all decaf now for over 1yr. It lowered my b/p plus I am not all jittery. I agree with pippa54,thats so true about helping copd patients! When I use to smoke that first hot strong cup of caffeine coffee helped me in am sooo much. But quit both. Enjoy your coffee!
I read that caffeine helps open up the airways. I have noticed that when I have a cup of caffeine coffee, within 15 minutes, I can breath a little easier. It does help me in a pinch.
Oh well, perhaps I'm just weird.๐
My husband has practically given up caffeine because it dries his throat, as recommended by his speech therapist and voice network advice. We don't drink much coffee so I buy ground coffee both with caffeine (for me) and without.but he does have a spoonful of each for his first morning cup. I buy him decaf tea - so far Yorkshire decaf is his favourite.
I suppose it's just a matter of trying out different things, and seeing what works best. I know there's no miracle cure unfortunately, but at least on this site we can learn a lot from others. There's always plenty of advice if we need it.
Hi Fuzzy,
If there is one thing I have learnt about bronchiectasis it is that response to dietary change/medication is very individual.Your response to caffeine is very interesting,i can't see why it should only have a short term response.Why don't you keep us in touch with your findings.Good for you anyway!
Hiya I was just reading the other day that caffeine supposed to be good for lung diseases, so Ive actually increased my intake and unlike yourself I have actually managed to get a little bit more up, so I thought that was better for our condition. Now I'm getting a lot of headaches too. It I think it's more to do with coughing all the time with this chest infection. Anyway hope you continue to feel better and keep us posted how you get on. X