🤕 SCARY Lung Disease Exacerbation at... - Lung Conditions C...

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🤕 SCARY Lung Disease Exacerbation at ENT Doctors

19 Replies

Never in my life have I ever been so worried AS I was today at ENT doctors given acute exacerbation.

Well I parked up and walked to ENT doctors in my local community hospital AND as soon as I sat down I could not breathe.

It’s week since doctors stoped my maintenance antibiotic’s TO see what happens AND today was that day.

So I pulled nurse AND said can I see doctor as am struggling to breath and none my inhalers preventers are working.

I was in a bit of a state either panic attack or exacerbation or I had done to much walking 🚶‍♂️ given how breathless been feeling since doctors stoped my antibiotics.

Could of even been cold AS I had not wrapped scarf 🧣 round my mouth.

Horrendous ANYWAY nurse doctor was brilliant nuse sat with me all the time AND Ear NOSE Throat doctor come out and reassured me about my breathing and how I would be best still having camera 📷 down nose throat to see if all was well.

He told me things are looking chronic down there with swelling n thrush and assured me that would of contributed to my Copd Exacerbation.

I told doctor my troat was ok until I had my antibiotics stoped THEN I could feel it swelling and filling with mucus.

Long and short of it is A 60 year old porter had to take me back to my car 🚗 in wheel chair as this no way I could of manged walk.

I said to porter how bad I felt having to take me back to my car BUT like she said if you can’t manage walk you can’t mansge.

So am back at my GP’s in morning as I can’t afford to be this unwell given what’s happing with my dad.

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19 Replies
sassy59 profile image

That sounds terrible JAS but at least the ENT doctor has seen how ill you were. You need your antibiotics so state your case tomorrow.

You want to stay as well as you can for your dad and your own well-being. Good luck and take care. Xxxx

in reply to sassy59

Hi sassy cheers am not best pleased with current experiences.

Think doctor that stoped them is going to have to come up with better idea that don’t involve killing me.

SquirrelsHolt profile image

Oh gosh,JAS,thank goodness you were where you were,when you had your attack. Glad to hear Nurse sat with you. Seems obvious that you need to go back on to your antibiotics, so dig your heals in with Doctor and get you feeling a little better. I've had a lovely porter take me to my car before and he was of the same mindset.... If you need help,you need help!! He told me not to ever feel embarrassed as the porters can tell straight away virtually,who is genuine etc.

Take care and tell us how you got on at the Doctors.

in reply to SquirrelsHolt

Hi Glad doctor nurses was intrested NURSE ask as doctor stoped antibiotics when is she seeing you again.

She was shocked when I said in six months.

Think she being seeing me lot sooner IF not me she be hearing from quality care commission.

Stumpy55 profile image

Hello JeffAjaxSmith, so sorry to hear what happened to you today and I know only too well how you must of felt. Trouble is once the breathlessness starts you start to panic because it's scary, and feels like being suffocated. Thank goodness you had a decent Nurse and Doctor whilst you were there, not forgetting the porter. I happen you get everything sorted out tomorrow. Please let us know how you get on? Take care ✋️😊

in reply to Stumpy55

Hi Cheers is was just like you have described WISH I was ok but things are still far from right.

Am hoping doctor restarts my antibiotics.

Even tho nurse doctor was there YOU are own your own so to speak.

Stumpy55 profile image
Stumpy55 in reply to

Yes it dose feel that way JeffAjaxSmith, but hold on in there and as I've been told even though you think at the time I'm going to pass out in the minute, there is more air in your lungs than you think, it's the panic taking over. I hope all goes well with you, please let me know how you get on? Good luck and take care ✋️😊

Carnival567 profile image

Well if you must collapse a hospital is the right place to do it, but poor you, I hope you are feeling better now and can get the ENT difficulties sorted out. All the best to you and your dad xxx

in reply to Carnival567

I can’t believe really how day can start out ok then ends so horrendous.

In early days of my condition was just like I described in post breathing issues and panic attacks I don’t want to go back to them days again.

ENT Doctor as told me things are bad with throat and I have choices to make befour its to late.

But like I said to doc throat was not as bad when on antibiotics.

Anyway am still here trying to hold it together SO guess could be worse.

On plus note I dug scarf 🧣 out esp as it’s going to get colder

casper99 profile image

I'd have been terrified, if that had happened to me. What an awful time you've going through, with your dad and all.

I hope that now, they might finally get something sorted for you. xx

in reply to casper99

Hi Casper99

Going to see GP and tell him the going to have to do test befour they stop them given what happend.

Ad not mind but doctor who stoped them or lung clinic as not done and co2 fev test in five years.

Is reckless and not seeing me in six months NAR bot happing

levina profile image
levina in reply to casper99

Dear Jeff This probably has been the braking point when you are at your Doctor tell

him what happened to you and ask h im for everything you need

We are all here for you and your Dad so stand up to your Doctor and ask for what you need

We wish you all the best Nellebelle

casper99 profile image

It's terrible that he thinks he can palm you off like that. Hopefully, your ordeal at the hospital will have been reported to him by them and it gives him a shake up. xx

levina profile image

Sorry Jeff I just sent you a mail but I typed my other name it should be Levina

I got a bit carried away

Things will come right

Regards Levina

Roessner541 profile image

Sounds like you should have been hospitalized I can't believe you drove.

Weeannie profile image

What a horrible time you had, I hope that you’ve see your GP and he’s given you back your antibiotics. Keep well, keep safe xxx

Pam1952 profile image

Poor you Jeff. Not a very nice experience at all, but at least you have some answers now. I hope that all goes well for you at the doctors today. Good luck. XXX

Lizzypick profile image

Well you were in the right place when you took your attack, sorry to hear of all your difficulties, good luck💞💞💞

Jollj profile image

Hi jeff,sorry to hear about your predicament,do you have a different practise that you can get to nearby,it sounds to me like you are getting a baddeal from your current practise,I would think of changing if possible.

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