I was diagnosed with bronchiectasis about 5 years ago and have been on daily azithromycin tablets 250mcg which have been a life changer after getting chest infections on a monthly basis and basically living as an invalid for years. I felt stronger and more confident. Apart from a few colds and a flu that went to my chest where I had to take a back up antibiotic- ciprofloxin, I have had good health... Until last week, that is. It all started with a stomach bug or flu or it could have been gastroenteritis (horrid pains and diarrhoea) and it went to my lungs! I began to cough and cough and got the warning signs of chest infection with the sweats and chills and then as well as that I was suffering a bad cold in my nose. It was the weirdest virus I have ever had! And it was awful! The whole family caught it within 4 days. I am now recovering and the ciprofloxin is working but it’s left me anxious, that a bronchiectasis flare up could happen out of the blue like that. Has anyone else had this happen?
sudden Bronchiectasis exacerbation. - Lung Conditions C...
sudden Bronchiectasis exacerbation.

Hi, I think it just happens especially with a virus which you could have picked up anywhere. My family had tummy bugs before covid set in - did you do a test? It's still about.
I've an infection at the moment which came out of the blue & began with shortness of breath & sore chest, very annoying as I'm usually well in the summer & take Azithromycin in winter only. Hope you feel better soon. P
i found exacerbations always came out of the blue. I haven't had one for ages, but I keep the rescue pack handy. I hope you soon feel better.
A Flare up (s) out of the blue after being steady on azithromycin certainly do/does happen. Does anyone recognise the "buses" analogy? Hanging around for ages, nothing happeneing ( no exacerbations! yippee) then a cluster of flare ups happen? It makes sense that once youve had one flare up the airways are more irritated and probably narrowed for a while; This means you are a bit more prone to the next flare up happening...
Have people discussed continuing azithromycin through the falre up and adding emergency antibiotic on top? Its what I have suggested to patients whose care I am involved with
Most manage background azithro PLUS rescue pack (of something else) but Im interested to hear others experience/ preferences
Sounds more like the infection that all your family had than a proper exacerbation. I like you have never had one since starting azithromycin. Long may that continue.
Not much advice except that levofloxacin (levaquin) or moxifloxacin (avelox) may be more effective for pseudomonas infection which is common in bronchiectasis. Stay well!
Sounds like the virus triggered it,whch is often the case.do u do lung clearance ea day? I still protect myself using handgels+ masks, and also have air purifiers at home
good evening. I’ve been on azithromycin which has really helped keep my chest infections away. They did stop helping me. I therefore had a break and I’m back on them again. I am far better on them with fewer exacerbations (none in 4 months.). I wish you well.