hi all, I'm thinking I should have a few days away by the coast to break my boring routine due to this wicked copd I'm limited on walking to far, does anybody have any suggestions for along the south coast that has a flat level rather than hills and mountains please
a break: hi all, I'm thinking I should... - Lung Conditions C...
a break

New Forest is flat and lots of things to enjoy and see 👀
Hi I saw your reply to somebody else suggesting the New Forest. I am going there for a week next month is there anywhere you can suggest we don't miss seeing as not been before. Would really appreciate it, many thanks Ruth
Where abouts are you headed to as in which area ... Exbury Gardens
The big Red Trees and the deer look out at Bolderwood ...
Take a picnic to Hatchet pond find a nice spot generally under the trees beside the Swan nest is lovley...
Lepe beach for a walk and lunch in the cafe .
Hengistbury head ...
Highcliffe beach
Christchurch boating pond to feed the swans and ducks and take a boat out ...
Lyndhurst if you like to have a mooch round and see the shops ...
Milford on sea cafe and a walk
Hopefully that's helped you ... xxx
Be sure to ask for help if needed eg mobility scooter xx
That is brilliant thank you we shall be staying at Fordingbridge so I have been able to add a couple of your suggestions to my list. Thank you for replying and being so helpful many thanks Ruth
Ah yes your quite a bit away from me not far ... I suggest you visit with a definite picnic place called Janesmoor pond ... you will livestock in abundance there donkeys ponies shetlands cattle but please don't feed or touch them ... I know I'm probably teaching you to suck eggs and don't want to offend you in any way ...xxx have a lovley time
Sounds lovely and have made a note of it. I would never feed animals unless food is sold where they are specially for them. Some people just do not think though do they?
You are lucky to live in such a beautiful spot. Just hoping the weather will hold for our week away. Ruth
Hi gingermusic, if you like a nice seaview Milford on Sea is the place to go. A lovely cliff top walk with with views across to the Isle of Wight and panoramic views all around the bay. Also good facilities great ice cream,a nice cafe and most important clean loos!
Is Milford on Sea easy to get around with a wheelchair?
Car Parking is quite easy there. The pathway has a fairly flat surface. Hope you have a lovely time. The New Forest is a nice area for a holiday.
Norfolk is rather flat lots of beautiful places there too, I have Emphysema and am on portable oxygen, so I know how you feel. We are hoping to get to New Firest in a week or so. Get away it will make you feel better, a change as they say, is better than a rest.
Potters resort in Norfolk is a 5 star all inclusive resort right on the coast near Great Yarmouth. There is loads to do and fabulous evening entertainment. I had my liquid oxygen tank delivered there and they stored it in with their beer and were very helpful.
Worthing and Bognor aren’t hilly the-db. Hope you find somewhere nice to go for a break. I mustn’t forget Littlehampton either xxxx
Weymouth sea front is flat and shopping area
Spoilt for choice here dB, Hope you enjoy your trip whereever you go, its nice to just be out x
I'm not sure of places to visit, I'm geographically challenged! But highly recommend Warner Hotels. We went to Hayling Island in April. They are all accessible with lifts and ramps. Activities all day if you want, we went out but there's plenty of stuff if you want to stay in. Also swimming pool, spa, bars, cafe . . .and entertainment in the evenings. Good food too. We are looking at another one for September. I can also recommended the New Forest, I was inspired to visit by BB's photos and it was just beautiful.
We go to warners and Sinah warren at hayling island is good. Very flat Lots to see. Or just laze inside or the new forest is gorgeous too. You’ve had a lot of suggestions. Hope one works. C
Sorry replied to karenanne instead of db
Have you considered hiring a small mobility scooter for the few days away it was so helpful for me while away for 4 days so wherever you end up it will take the pressure off of the daunting task of walking everyday
don’t allow your conditions to restrict you, investigate a mobility scooter option, I did then I brought a wheelchair adapted vehicle big enough to take my scooter and one for my wife. We can go out now without restrictions and got our lives back
Can I ask what brand u chose and is it a fold down one? X
I have two but neither are folding, one is classed as transportable and can quickly be taken apart in to 5 sections, the other is a big road legal one. There are lots available but even the folding ones can be quite difficult to lift into a car boot or hatchback and normally weigh about 20 kilos, it’s easier if you have an estate type car. Have a look at CareCo and see if they have a branch near you, they are very helpful and you get to see a selection. Or you could see if you have a local shop selling them, there are plenty online which is ok if you know exactly what you want. There are a couple of companies who regularly advertise on TV and they are very expensive.
I heartily recommend an eFoldi, it transformed my life. It folds up in about 6 seconds (no exaggeration here) can be wheeled like a suitcase and has a battery life of 8 miles. I live on the very hilly Isle of Wight and it manages them fine (except for Ventnor where you need to be a mountain goat to survive there). I whizz up to any bus stop, click, click, click to fold it up and just wheel it on to the bus, no ramp needed. Similarly if I have a lift in a car, it folds up small enough (without having to take it to pieces) to go in the boot. There is not a day that I go out without being stopped and asked where I got it from, bus drivers are blown away by it. Expensive but worth its weight in gold. It was designed by a man who was an engineer and became disabled and it shows, really thoughtful design. Don't bother to buy the accessories such as the cushion as it clutters it up. After sales service is excellent as well. There is a slightly bigger model that can go on the road but I chose the eFoldi Lite and am very pleased with it. Hope this helps. (No, I don't receive any commission from eFoldi they don't even know I rave about it). Hope this helps
Weymouth is great for me, all flat and shops and beach all close by if your hotel is situated on the front which mine was. Weather usually a few degrees warmer too.
Eastbourne is mainly flat and is always lovely and north you have Llandudno is all on the flat. Not sure where you are in the country but I can recommend an excellent coach company who have a wonderful hotel just off the seafront at Eastbourne and they have mobility scooters for hire if needed your luggage is brought to and from your room as well. Brian
I love Llandudno Brian x
Yes it's lovely there and you can take a ride upto the top of the great Orme. Or walk it up if you have the energy. Brian
There's a lot there that at 1st glance can be missed.i took my sons whn they were young, for hols+ long weekends.we used it as a base thn drove to Llanberis,betswy coed,conway,anglesea.they take their kids now. It's a beautiful part of the world xxx
Eastbourne is nice Brian - Llandudno is nice but I remember decades ago going there from where I was based in Abergele getting stung by a jellyfish they get lots of them , they seem to love Llandudno and Rhyll for that matter.
Good morning Ern007. Yes I remember Rhyl as a child it was the closest seaside town to the Midlands and my parents used to go there yearly. There was a big bike ride on the seafront and they had bikes for all standards some with stabilisers for the little ones and I spent hours on there enjoying my holiday. Brian
Rhyl was quite nice - I am going back many years so far back pubs did not open on a Sunday Brian. I seem to remember walking on the front, annd turning left to what was a permanent fun fair.
Yes your right on both points Ern007. As you walked through the main fair. You crossed the road into another funfair area. That had a big lake around it and you could take a train ride around the lake. Hope your day is going well. Brian
Yes,loads of jelly fish (( x
Yes Pat and they hurt - Got stung in Spain also. Horrid things. x
Oh no! I remember my son got stung by 1 in gran canaria years ago ,it hurt,luckily I had germolene + hydrocortisone in my beach bag ..b prepared ))
Yes soem can be dangerous - the are quite a few speices of our coastline.Mind you not safe at home , I got bit by a wolf spider kipping in my jumper, I didnot half get a shock..
Totally flat at east wittering, near Chichester.