Well don't you just hate it when you start morning suffering Acute exacerbation of COPD.
Lucky i did not panic and quickly subsided BUT dose fill you with fear and dread.
I think few GPs should experience it and might be tad more understanding.
One of my Acute exacerbation was i think causes by using my nebuliser few hours befour bed.
WHY do i think that WELL i had my 7% hypertonic saline just befour bed so slept with all that fluid on my chest.
So think that morning was congested and coughing that much could not breath.
Other was think infection trying it on given i was so wrong to have my hypertonic saline before bed.
Went doc's well my GP's this morning as could not find my emmergancy antibiotics.
Doctor at practice don't seem as interested or attitudes have changed as when i ask them about my condition THEY say ask my lung doctor whats up with me.
Was watching GP's behind closed doors AND was women with high blood pressure 80/130 and doctor was all over her going on about how it needs lowing SO when i go to my doctors with blood pressure that makes me ill of 90/145 my doctors are not arsed.
Why and Hows that work.
Also my leg when ever take stocking off still swells ALSO was reading hip pain could be blood clots SO yet again why are my gp's not taking leg swelling serious.
Should i have not been given water pills.
Also my gp given Acute exacerbation never even as much as examined me just wrote prescription and said if i don't smoking be on oxygen shortly.
No advice or help on my depression.
Am i surprised NOT really as i seen what help GP's give my dad.
Would like to thank EVERYONE for ADVICE & SUPPORT that replied to my older post BUT as you can read i took advice on board but fell on my GP's deaf ears.