Any discussion on swollen feet and help to eliminate it
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Compresion socks and putting feet up.
This loads of causes I was told i had leaky vains or something in my leg.
Guess ya best talking to GP as in bad cases can perscibe water pills.

JeffAjaxSmith Hi I'm on water tablets and compression stockings I just wondered if ànyone had any other ideas like exercise my doctor's don't seem to know the course unless their not saying thanks for your reply
RICE. Rest, ice, compression and elevation. x
I also have swollen lower legs and feet, Bella. This week, on the advice of someone on here, I bought a foot pedal machine and I am hoping that will help in some way. Good luck, Albert.
Try cutting down on the salt in your diet. If I make my own food and use seasonings rather than salt, I only retain a kilo of fluid during the day. If I eat a microwave ping meal or a take-away, I retain two kilos of fluid during the day. If you're on potassium losing diuretics, you could well be doing the same.
Approximately 12 months ago I had my first exaserbation. I got swollen feet then. They went away after a few days but keep returning off and on. No reason found but the doc told me its related to my short of breath.
Yeah, my doctor told me the same. Because of breathing Problems your heart has to work extra hard to get the blood flowing around your body and your feet are the furthest away from your heart. My right foot is always the worst.
Hi Bella, Saramana here. I take water pills, 2 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. It was also discovered that I had leakage into my lungs when I drink liquids so I took a course in how to drink liquids and I’ve found using a straw helps. My emphysema and water is compounded by also having heart failure at 91 which I’m told also contributes to water to my ankles. I bought a large foam pillow and when ever I lie down I put my legs up on that and I sometimes sleep at night with the pillow in the bed. What ever works, Bella. Keep going.
Hello Saramana that sounds some good advice. When I was in hospital the lady next to me had that trouble fluid going into her lungs that can't be good. Your so right Saramana just keep trying until you find what suits you that's alot of water tables I'm on one in the morning
Thanks and take care x
What a lovely Lady you are with all your ailments not one word of self pity ,just a lovely positive attitude . I hope if I get to your age I can retain a attitude like yours. Minstrelgirl x