Hi all hope you are coping OK. I heard that it is bad to take turmeric if you are taking satins. Can anyone confirm this please as I've been taking it for well over a year. Thanking you in advance. Harry
Taking Turmeric whilst on satins - Lung Conditions C...
Taking Turmeric whilst on satins

There both for inflammation puposes so one may be counteracting the other best speak to your doc regarding it as turmeric thins the blood also but speak to your GP regarding this xxx
Turmeric as a seasoning to food is not so bad as I power some of my food I am cooking it is when you are taking a higher dose in tablet form it can thin the blood more. Not so sure they affect Statins but would Warfarin, I am on both
This is a link O2Trees sent me yesterday when I had a similar question. You'll find an answer there I'm sure. P
Thank you peege but it's only showing "Serrapeptase" So I'm a wee bit lost but thanks any way. H
Ah, I just put turmeric in their search bar, it comes up but doesn't tell you much. I'm sure turmeric in a meal is fine - I have it often whist on statins but medicinal amounts of turmerics active good bit, curcumin, is best to do what you're doing & check first. I know any part of grapefruit interferes with statins so I absolutely never have it. P
Thanks again peeve will ask my nurse when she comes round on Teusday. H