Hi . My husband and I are going to an outdoor concert tonight and he needs to take his liquid oxygen. Does anyone know if this could be a problem. Unable to get hold of anyone that can help from the concert. Did not give this a thought until this morning. It something we have both wanted to do for along time. I believe that people will be able to smoke . Can they stop you taking oxygen in .
Liquid oxygen taking to out door conc... - Lung Conditions C...
Liquid oxygen taking to out door concert

I wouldn't, I won't let anyone near me with a Naked Flame, Smoking, Fireworks. Stupidity of other Folk. Wait for more Replies ?
I felt that I had to reply as soon as I saw your post! Your Husband must Not go in Any enclosed space where people are smoking! If he is wearing his Oxygen, it is like suggesting that someone can smoke at a Petrol Station - it’s That serious.My husband has portable oxygen, and will not even sit outside if someone is smoking. Please avoid at all costs.
Best wishes - I hope that I haven’t spoiled your evening....
Hope you were both able to enjoy the outdoor concert, despite your concerns about others smoking.
Thank you.
Speak to your respiratory nurse. My husband uses an 02 tank but has a POC for events like this. You should be able to lead a normal life but with adjustments.
Always ways round these things.
Enjoy your concert.
You could also speak to the concert organisers about a safe area to sit.
Thank you for your reply. The last respiratory nurse that came told my husband that the copd should not rule his life. He is getting used to taking the flask with him now. We are also getting used to the planing ahead as well. The tickets to the concert came up and it is something we have wanted to do. Will check on safe area as it seem likely that this is something that organisers may have have to do. Thank you for your reply
This is all new to my husband and I also. I have found asking what can be done from the 02 supplier very helpful as well as the respiratory nurse. We spent a night in a hotel last week end . First since my husband has started to use oxygen 24/7
Everything was great. Oxygen concentrator left in hotel. No problems at all. Hotel told me they had lots of people using oxygen. Guess we just have to get used to it.
I think your right. My husband is just 16 hours over night and on ambulatory. He has always been active and he finds it hard to adjust but we are getting there. I had cancer but it seamed a walk in the park compared to what our husbands are going through.