Hi all hope we are all doing well and feeling good tonight. Had my appt today with the Respritary nurse and she has confirmed that not only do I have asthma and newly diagnosed bronchiectasis she told me that the tests have confirmed I also have mild copd too. My partner was sacked from work for having too much time off caring for me and the 6 kids, would be lost without his support, and whilst it is great having him home helping me with school run cleaning shopping cooking etc the debts are starting to pile up. I have read that some people claim disability but my question is is it worth all the hassle etc trying to explain to someone how every single day is different to the last day and you can't predict how you are going to be etc. Please don't get me wrong I know people with this disease work and don't want to come across as a dole dosser and scrounger, but with my partner currently out of work I need all the help we can get, any advice please, Thankyou xx
Claiming disability allowance? - Lung Conditions C...
Claiming disability allowance?

You won’t get anything if you don’t try I think you should ask Citizens advice bureau to help you fill a form in for PIP and anything else you can claim
Take care
Your partner might also be entitled to Carers alowance. xxx
Hi it's not disability allowance any more as it changed to PIP several years ago now. It's given not on what illness you have but how it affects you.
Have a look at the Gov.UK site for more information. x
Oh and don't forget to claim JSA (your partner), child tax credits, housing benefit and council tax rebate.
You might also be able to claim ESA as well. If you got this then because you have dependent children your partner wouldn't have to look for work and could be on your claim. x
Before u fill out forms go on a site called benefits and u they go through every question on the form explaining that it’s all in the wording , don’t forget I fill out forms on how u feel on your worst days
Hi - Phone and ask for someone to come to your house and complete the form. It is very lengthy and I took time off work when they assessed my partner. Make sure you get them to complete the form as there are certain words that need to be stated to get through vetting. My partner only has lower amount at the moment but now I am 24/7 his carer and he needs constant help so will apply again to have an assessment. I did about 3 years ago complete the form and it was rejected because it did not contain certain words like "danger" etc. Good Luck.
This next one is Sutton Councils page on PIP and associated. Check if your local council has a similar page.......Most of the advice on the Sutton page would apply nationally, but some aspects may just be local.
Another option is to ring the disability help line at DWP they can also advise which benefit to claim, with a family, ill health and unemployed partner I am sure there will be more than one benefit you are able to claim, most of which will be means tested of course. Good Luck
The process for your partner will likely be a long one with lots of forms etc to fill out. Contact the ministry of work & pensions they will advise you what he may be entitled to but it doesn't happen quickly be prepared. But, do not start to try to explain how you feel that will only confuse the ministry, they are fit & healthy people who do not understand this disease and they only go by the rules and are not a guidance council.
Thankyou all so much for you responses, would be lost without this forum and new found friends,and thank you xx