If the government’s plans go ahead then from 2017 anyone making a new claim for Employment Support Allowance (ESA) in the Work Related Activity Group (WRAG) will receive just £73.10 a week. That’s £30 less than the £102.15 that people in this group receive now.
We are very concerned about the effect this will have on people with lung disease.
People in the WRAG have been independently assessed as being too ill to work and need proper financial support. We’re working with a number of charities to ask the government to urgently reconsider these plans. This involves briefing MPs through written documents, meetings and a Parliamentary event.
The most powerful tools when communicating with the government about issues like this are your stories. That’s why we’re looking for people who currently receive Employment Support Allowance (ESA) in the Work Related Activity Group (WRAG) who would be willing to share their experience of receiving ESA WRAG.
I know that this is quite a sensitive and personal issue, so we if you are interested in getting involved then there would be no commitment at this stage and we can talk you through what level of involvement you’d like to have.
Ultimately we would like to use their story in written briefings for MPs and Peers. We’d also like to present some of these case studies at the parliamentary event where you would be welcome to join us.
If you are interested then please let me know, either on here or by calling me on 020 7688 5557 or by emailing bethany.bateman@blf.org.uk.
thank you for reading!