After reading Billiejean's experience (so horrible) I am even more pleased with BHI. Whether it is the day case unit that is so efficient I don't know yet, but Bristol is the centre for advanced care so they may be better funded. Apparently they had already booked a bed for me beforehand, and the nurses had the authority to make the decision. That was cardiology of course. Unless I take things into my own control any respiratory emergencies will see me at the Gwent, which is probably why my respiratory consultant told me to phone him if I got worse! Talk about roundabouts! I hope you are feeling better now Billiejean, and many thanks to all who wished me well xx
Hospital care: After reading Billiejean... - Lung Conditions C...
Hospital care

Hi Carnival. I think that the big difference lies between a planned admittance such as yours when the system works to accomodate you for your tests/ treatment and unplanned asmission when the patient Is absorbed into a system where admission depends on the availbility of beds, the severity of the case and frankly, pot luck. I’m so glad that all was ready for you and that you had a good experience.

I am afraid you are right, but Southmead, which is new, has a sort of pre emergency admissions ward where they put you if they can't admit you immediately. Pity they can't promote the idea at other hospitals! I must say I do not understand this cutting back on bed numbers. Most hospitals are short of beds and overcrowded in consequence. There are two community hospitals in the Forest of Dean with nearly 40 beds between them, they are going to replace them with one hospital with 20 beds, for efficiency. Presumably the other 20 possible patients are supposed to sleep on a carpet of leaves! I suppose if they all died that would solve the problem! Makes you wonder about their idea of efficiency. The whole thing is madness! I have had A&E waits on a trolley, fortunately they found a cupboard to put me in - quite a large cupboard with lights, but still ....
Total madness. Sadly I was put in the pre admissions ward at the QE in Bham twice. Not an experience I would willingly repeat. I have never been so happy to reach the gentle arms of the respiratory ward! It is all very scary for us.
Re Gloucestershire, FOD potential reduction in beds etc.
The CCG in Gloucestershire offers a fantastic service which means many of us with resp exacerbations ( when they cone along ) don't need a hospital bed.
We a phenomenal Rapid Response service which offers a virtual ward at home which includes IV. Physio etc Meds if needed. They are all highly skilled and visit twice a day with 24 hour phone access for the patient.
Then we have Community Respiratory Team, a step down from Rapid Response but just as helpful and caring. I have direct access 9-5 to them as well as the Home Oxygen Service.
So you can see how fortunate we are here across the border from you Carnival567.I don't need a hospital bed for COPD unless absolutely necessary.
The CCG have even funded our Respiratory Exercise group this year and have just run a COOD information and awareness day.
Have you thought about moving across the border to access better services. ? I did
Hope your day is wonderful.
I already live in England but have a Welsh GP. Consequently I have to fight to get referral to an English hospital, because Welsh patients do not have the same choices as English patients with English GPs. Theoretically it has been sorted out, and when we moved here the new GP referred me quite happily to Bristol. However he cannot refer me for an acute admission so I have to take myself to Bristol for urgent care. I get respiratory care with the nurse from the Gwent, who has no information about me because Wales and England cannot communicate with each other within IT. However, many people who live in this village by the Severn Bridge do manage to make the journey to Gloucester (30 miles) but would like to feel it is possible to be cared for nearer home other than in a Welsh hospital. I am very glad that you can be cared for at home and that Gloucestershire CCG arrange this, but a lot of elderly people who are unwell would prefer to be nearer their families. Not everyone has COPD, and many need respite care in hospital. Having been used to being in one country this cross border caper is no joke! 20 beds is not many in these circumstances.
I do understand the system there. I used to work for the NHS in the Forest of Dean and lived there too.
I live near Gloucester now- all good here.
Of course everyone must decide for themselves where is best for them to live.
My family live in Monmouth 😊 But prefer the healthcare I get here.
Enjoy the rest of the day.
Hi Carnival, hope you a good this morning?
Not sure if I mentioned to you that as you live in Gloucestershire you are most welcome to join our Gloucestershire Respiratory Exercise page on Facebook...
We would love to see you there 😊
Hope you day is wonderful
Thank you, might give it a whirl. I have joined our little church choir and the leader is going to give me some breathing exercises which will help. I have just come back from the moving remembrance service . Big army place here.
I think the number of long stay beds have been decreased while there are more day care beds instead.
Hello Carnival,
I am glad it went well in Bristol.
Hopefully @Billiejean_2 had a better night.
Keep well
Fran x
Hello Carnival567 . I can't add to the hospital experience discussion but I wanted to say I'm so glad you didn't have a bad experience. Many gentle hugs.
Cas xx 🌹