Hi all Been taking spiriva for a few years now,
Had a letter from docs to say changing it to
Braltus has anyone had this and is it as good
As spiriva.
Hi all Been taking spiriva for a few years now,
Had a letter from docs to say changing it to
Braltus has anyone had this and is it as good
As spiriva.
Hi jojo,I likewise was changed from Spiriva to Braltus,didn,t really notice much change,do check that the little capsule empties on inhalation as the powder has a habit of sticking to the base of the capsule,handy tip is to tap capsule a few times before inserting in cartridge,best wishes,,,,,,,,,,skis
Hi stone, that's probably why it's been changed
It's all about the money
Best wishes, jojo
official reason is that it is a disposable container and given a new one every repeat should cut down infection rates but we also know that money is a contributing factor......skis
I got changed to Braltus a while ago and in my opinion its better the capsules are clear so you can actually check to make sure you have taken in all the powder
Cales xx
hi cales, that's a good idea being able to see the capsules empty when the dose has been taken,
Best wishes. Jojo
Far prefer the Braltus easier to use have arthritic hands and personally find the set up better, I find it better to suck in as well and can see I have taken all powder, tip put thicker end of capsule in hole works better for me. It is cheaper one website says Β£300 a year saving on each one.
This happened to me last month and I reacted badly to the Braltus - it made my throat very sore and my voice all hoarse. I had never reacted badly to any medicine before but this gave me real problems.
Like the other replies, I have been changed and haven't noticed any difference.
Same here it has been fine for me and so far haven't had any empty capsules like I used to get with Spiriva cheaper or not I have found it fine easier to take you know when you have taken all the powder.
I too was switched from Spiriva to Braltus - nightmare! Am getting so sick of these cost-cutting exercises - am on no preventor at all for the last 2 months; I'm not prepared to make my condition worse.
Is this a new inhaler all the best
I've just had a similar letter from my gp. The only reason given is that it'll save the nhs Β£8 per month per patient. That's fine by me, provided it works as well as Spiriva. We'll see π
Has anyone experienced coughing with Braltus? I started it 3 days ago and have had a cough since then. I don't usually cough much at all. I mentioned it to my GP who said it was early days and to keep trying Braltus for longer, which seemed reasonable to me, yet here I am at 3AM unable to sleep for coughing. OTOH I also had the 'flu' jab yesterday so am not sure if that might account for the cough.