Hello Im new here. I have a chest infection. Dr gave me steroids & Amoxycillin yesterday. I had coughed up yellow phlegm & then green phlegm (sorry I know it's yuk) but when I went to the bathroom at 3am this morning there was some blood on my tissue & im really worried. Has this happened to anyone with a chest infection. ? Thanks. Linda
Chest Infection: Hello Im new here. I... - Lung Conditions C...
Chest Infection

Hi you need to speak to either your GP or matron. It is probably due to the chest infection but best to check it out. Please let me know how you get on. Hope you feel better soon xxx love Bernadette 😳
hi and welcome I was in hospital 2 week ago for a chest infection I was also coughing blood up what a scare firstly they took another sputum test came back ok but dr said its nothing unusual bringing up blood when you have an infection ,maybe mention it anyway but I'm sure ul be fine ,take care.
Hi, yes, coughing up small bits of blood during exacerbations is quite normal (for me) but first time you notice it your mind plays some real tricks on you!
Worth talking to the GP about emergency meds (AB's & steroids) that you keep at home in preparation for the next infection - it just gets treatment started much quicker. That way you can catch the infection earlier, start the treatment and (hopefully) avoid the blood issue)
Take care, rest plenty & recover soon
Thank you. What's an exacerbation & AB's ? Yes, my mind is in overdrive & I am really upset but the lovely people on this site have given me a bit of relief !
It's just I've had infections before & never noticed blood. Also this time it was yellow, then green 1st. Usually i just see white so as you say it's a horrible feeling ! Thanks again.
Hi, normal people get coughs and colds but, because we're special, we get to have exacerbations which in my tiny mind are just posh colds ;0)
Mostly, when I type AB's in full my fingers overtake my brain (not difficult) and you get to see BantiAotics - hence I abbreviated. Sorrieeee!
Hello McG53
Excaserbation is a flare up when you have copd or other lung diseae , usually caused by infection. AB is short for antibiotic.
People use so many abbreviations its hard to read sometimes. I hate abbreviations anyways at the best of times.
Aaaah, I see. Yes, I'm not great at getting abbreviations .......... or maybe abbrev's ..haha !! What other lung diseases can it happen with ? Maybe I have one. I've never been tested for any. Can it just happen with chest infections even if you don't have a lung disease ? I do have Sjogrens syndrome which can affect the lungs & all parts of the system.....Sorry to be a pain.
Hi Leener71,
Thanks for your reply.
I meant do you have to have a lung disease to get the type of infections that make you cough blood or can any infection cause it ?
Sjogren's is a systemic autoimmune disease & it can affect your whole body. Initially its supposed to start with dry eyes & mouth but then it can dry everything else up too causing major problems & sheer exhaustion. It can also cause a persistent cough which I generally have even without an infection & also people with it tend to get more chest infections.I get a couple a year but I've never seen blood before, that's what has frightened me.
The blood could come from tiny blood vessels in your throat that have opened with coughing especially if your throat is so dry. I presume there isn't a lot of blood?
Well, not really, when I spat it out it was a faint red pinky colour at 1st, then when I got back into bed & coughed again it was redder, bright red & more streaky. I haven't dared look since ! I know that's mad but I tend to get stressed & upset. The Sjogrens does that to you, makes you anxious, but I was always like that & a bit of an ostrich !! But you're right maybe it is to do with my throat being dry. Thanks for listening & taking the time !! 🙂
As others have said, the most likely cause is excessive coughing. If it hasn't happened to you before, mention it to your GP, who might decide to send you for an x-ray. As to the sputum colour, yellow & then green is the result of an increase in white cells, T-cells I think they're called, and is just a sign your immune system is working properly So, nothing to worry about.

Thanks for your reassuring reply Hanne62. I should probably wait until the infection has gone & the coughing has died down a bit & see if it's still there 1st maybe ? I'm a bit scared to even look again tho to be honest ! Is that normal ? Ive got butterflies thinking about it my stomach churning & cant tell my family as I can't bring myself to talk about it verbally, is that a bit strange ? I've got 4 more days steroids & 6 more of amoxicillin. Really appreciate your taking time to advise me thank you 😊
I have exactly the same problem over the last 8 months coughing up phlegm sometime mixed with little blood.
I did all possible tests from chest x ray ct scan hrct bronhoscopy ..all.normal
My doctor belives i have a lowngrade infection that is causing the problems.
I still don't know for sure what it is ...
Oh no, that must be horrible for you. Glad everything seems ok though. It's brilliant that all the tests show that everything is normal. Did your GP ever say that it could be the actual coughing that had caused some blood vessels to bleed maybe ? It seems that some people on this forum have experiencenced it due to the coughing. Maybe that's what it is in your case as nothing else has been found but I would have thought your GP might have mentioned it. I'm hoping that's all it is in my case too! Did you have an infection at the start of it ? Thanks very much for your reply 👍
Im still very worried despite all the tests it is going on for a long time now...im on dyocilin low dose all the time...it is very sad that they can't find what it is from how long yours it is going on?
I know, it's horribly scary . Try to take comfort that nothing has been found. The tests you have had would have shown anything sinister I'm sure. I don't think I would dare have the tests I'm such a coward & very stupid, I know. I don't even want to tell anyone even GP !! Feel sick about it. To answer your question, I only saw it yesterday morning for the 1st time but that's not to say it's not been happening as I rarely look but when I have looked normally it's cLear or white. I've had a cough for years as used to smoke but even since giving up I have a dry thickly cough generally that's not always productive. This is part of my autoimmune condition or so I thought , as it is a common feature of it as I get dry mouth & throat & most probably lungs too. This condition can dry your whole system out its evil & so exhausting to live with. I can empathise with how you feel & I hope they get to the bottom of it soon & hope you find some relief & comfort. Have you thought about going private ? I'm thinking about looking into getting a scan privately if it's possible & if it's not mega expensive.
All my investigation has been done privately...my gp didn't even bother refering me..luckly i have a private medical insurance that covers the costs.
I agree that is nothing sinister but there is something.
My phlegm is white or clear gelly like...
Let's keep in touch .
Honestly I thinknyou should mention your gp about your symptoms he may be able to help.
Best wishes