To add to all my other ailments, I now have a Frozen Shoulder, which is very painful and interupts my sleep. Does anyone know if people with lung disease are more prone to this than others? And any advice on how to deal with it. Thankyou, Albert 83.
Frozen Shoulder: To add to all my other... - Lung Conditions C...
Frozen Shoulder

I don't know whether people with lung disease are prone to frozen shoulder but I have had it a couple of times. The best treatment I had was from a chiropractor, better than injections or physiotherapist and quicker! Hope it clears up soon.
frozen shoulder has nothing to do with lung disease.
I've had it twice. Both times, one steroid injection into the joint kick started the body's own healing process.
It is not something I have heard about before but apparently there could be a link. Check out this NHS page:
Other health conditions
You may have a greater risk of developing a frozen shoulder if you have other health conditions, such as:
heart disease
lung disease
an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) or an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)
breast cancer
Dupuytren's contracture – where small lumps of thickened tissue form in the hand, causing the fingers to bend into the palm
I had a frozen shoulder and was fearing I would have it for a year or more! It was awful. I saw my sister after about a month. She did reflexology on me and later on that evening it felt a lot better. The next day it wasn't frozen anymore. I'm not even joking. Other than that I'm afraid I can't help you . To me it was amazing that I only had the problem for about a month. It was either some sort of rare occurrence or my sisters treatment did the trick! Good luck though. It was really debilitating. Xx
Thankyou, everybody. for your kind replies I wish I was up to going to see a chiropractor or reflexologist, that sounds to be a good idea; but the effort is too much. My wife is keeping woollen scarves warm to fold and put on the shoulder, and this helps a bit. Albert.
Hi I had a frozen shoulder and it's very painfull I went to see a physio and he gave me a set of exercises to do and it worked it took about 4 weeks and got better a bit at a time anyway 1 exercise was lay flat on the bed with the arm hanging over the side now use a tin of beans or peas used for the weight then hold the arm out and try to lift it as much as you can without it hurting do this about 10 tI message in the morning and then in the evening the other one I was shown was to stand with your back pressed up to the wall ten using the weight tin try lifting your areply as far as you can do it each day and it will get better doing this each day you will be able to lift it higher after a number of the exercises after a few days I was told it's only exercising that will help cure it bye mickmm
A couple of years ago a friend got the steroid jag into her shoulder and initially was fine so I, having the same problem asked my GP and he referred me to hospital but that was going to take 9/10months. I the meantime I came across a page on Fbook called 'turmeric support group'and began following the info there and made Golden Paste, I and my friend have been taking it ever since and are pain free. I cancelled my appointment with the hospital as the injection only lasts 2/3 months. Do look at the web page and read the blogs and you will easily benefit from the information on there, we did!
I think treatment for a frozen shoulder depends on the cause. I injured mine and caused a tendon to become trapped. Agony! Eventually I had it manipulated under anaesthetic and haven't had any problem since. While I was waiting I saw an osteopath who specialised in sports injury (not that I had done it through sport, mind you) and he tried all sorts of treatments to help me. The thing that gave me most relief was accupuncture.
Hope you soon get some relief for your shoulder. It's bad enough coughing when everything else is ok - must be very painful with the frozen shoulder as well.
xx Moy
Quite by chance someone on a f/b group mentioned ActiPatch which I had never heard of, must add that it didn't work for this lady; I have osteo and rheum arthritis so in pain a lot of the time and gave it a try. Relief was so great I got one for a friend's Birthday - her shoulder had been disabling for weeks, and it worked for her too. Might be worth a try? I think you can buy trial packs on e-bay for around £8 but also available from Boots. Only had frozen shoulder once and that was quite enough!
So many kind replies and helpful advice, thankyou. My neighbour came this morning and brought me a tube of Voltarol gel, which he uses for his arthritic knees. One application and the pain went. This was 12 hours ago and I am still painfree, having repeated the application after 6 hours. Have I found the answer to the pain of my frozen shoulder? I look forward to getting some sleep tonight. Regards to you all, Albert.