So angry: I was hospitalised Tuesday... - Lung Conditions C...

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So angry

Jummie profile image
39 Replies

I was hospitalised Tuesday morning and still here. Was on a nice 6 bed ward when this morning I was told I was being moved to a side room. Wasn't happy about it but the patient was at risk of falls. So okay I thought. It is not a side room it is a consultation room, 4 walls and a bed stuck in there, no tv no interaction. I'm so cross told nurses I'm not staying here I. A fxxxx cupboard. I shouldn't have said it to the nurses as it's not there fault. The consultant then came to see me gave him both barrels, sticking someone in a box, 4 white walls, no tv, no interaction and I'm discharging myself. Was told you can't do that !!!! My Irish temper flew at him don't tell me what I can and can't do I'm discharging myself with the walker and getting a taxi. He said it's unwise. Said so it is not unwise to put patient in box like this and don't you dare tell me what I can and can't do. He said I'm waiting for one more test results and that will determine if you stay or go. My language was awful but I told him straight you don't tell me what I can and can't do. I'm getting a taxi and going.he said Stress is bad for the breathing well that's a bloody laugh who's giving me the stress YOU !!!!! He said he is waiting for so and so tesult to see if anything is raised and I will have to stay. Are you deaf I asked do you not listen are you ignoring my mouth moving.

He said write to chief excecutive what good would that do. He would probably use it as toilet paper.

So sorry for rant sitting here in tears

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Jummie profile image
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39 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Oh Jummie, that sounds so very upsetting and isolating. I know you are very distressed but please don't make any rash decisions. Can't they get a small TV for you? Please take care and stay calm. Thinking of you. Xxxx

Jummie profile image
Jummie in reply to sassy59

Nurses have been in and bought me tea. They laughed when I told them what I said to consultant so feeling calmer.

Jummie profile image
Jummie in reply to sassy59

Apparently it all tv screwed to walls

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to Jummie

Anybody with a screwdriver Jummie? You can but ask. Take care xxxx

Jummie profile image
Jummie in reply to sassy59

No tv as all screwed to wall no tadio. I have moved outside the room and sleeping in the corridor. I have no bell to call for help. I couldn't have a commode as not possible to use it in corridor. Can't reach water unless I get out of bed and had to ask twice for painkiller relief. Not happy st all.

Jummie profile image
Jummie in reply to sassy59

Got nothing in room as it is a treatment room. I've been wheeled outside the room to sleep. No bell to call for help, unable to reach water jug unless I get up. Had to go find someone for pain relief it didn't come and so had to get out of bed again use my walker with a seat to go find someone for pain relief.

This room is a treatment room not been assessed health and safety wise for a patient side room.

Depression setting in. I won't give up in this I'm going to phone consultant and restart nurses to look at where they have tried to shove me. 😫

Jummie profile image
Jummie in reply to sassy59

No tv as all are dcrewed to wall no radios

skischool profile image

Jummie,glad to see you are chilling a bit more now.I know its a grind for you but you have had a lot of problems in and out of hospital since febuary.Try to hang in there if only for your test results and any different meds you might need.Then you can scarper.good luck xx

Time_2_drink profile image

OH jummie. Sorry to find you are in hospital again I can sympathise. With you. Stuck in a side room. I hope you have now got a tv and have calmed down a little. Fingers crossed that you will be home soon best wishes Margaret x

Jummie profile image
Jummie in reply to Time_2_drink

No Tv this is a small room for consultations so tv four walls in a box. ☹️

Time_2_drink profile image
Time_2_drink in reply to Jummie

That is dreadful don't the medics realise. Our moral is low any way when hospitalised and time drags without distraction of tv radio or company if we want it glad you are feeling calmer and things are being done 😷👌

Jummie profile image
Jummie in reply to Time_2_drink

Got nothing except bed and 3 white walls and frosted window.

Jummie profile image
Jummie in reply to Time_2_drink

This is not a side room they have put me in a treatment room. This has not even assessed by health and safety and would fail. So many sharp edges on cabinets etc. I'm filling in a complaint form. I might be ill and could do without the stress but the fight is on.

Hi Jummie. I've thought so many times that healthcare professionals need more training in bedside manner, and it seems that the higher you go the more training they need! Sorry to read you're having s tough time. Hope they sort you out soon and get you back home, Brian :)

Jummie profile image
Jummie in reply to

Thank you Brian I've calmed down a bit. Strange isn't it I was due a echo heart scan which kept being put off but since my rant I've had it done. I shouldn't have to get cross and upset to sort it out for them.

Magpuss profile image

Glad you're feeling a bit calmer now. I wonder if you could borrow a radio - it's not much to ask for, perhaps if you had a word with one of the nurses they might be able to help.

Jummie profile image
Jummie in reply to Magpuss

I did ask no radios or TVs. Tvs screwed to the walls. This is a treatment room and would not pass as a side room. To many dangers and sharp edges. I'm taking it further and I'm moving the chair into the corridor and sleeping there. It will be safer as the nurses can not see this room unless they walk up past the last bay.

Jummie profile image
Jummie in reply to Magpuss

Tried that. No radio no tv four white walls depression setting in

Caspiana profile image

Hello Jummie . How very awful. What a dreadful thing to happen. Anyone would be upset. It sounds like they put you in a cupboard. I am so sorry. Totally understandable that you got upset. Are you home now?

*BIG hug*

Cas xx 🍀

Jummie profile image
Jummie in reply to Caspiana

Not well enough to go home apparently. Slept outside in corridor. Putting in a formal complaint. This is not helping me one bit.

Nottobad profile image
Nottobad in reply to Jummie

Sorry for the situation you are in jummie. It just shows how bad thing are in the NHS. I was admitted to hospital on 14/6 due to low 02 level I arrived at the hospital at 1.30pm thought I was going to have to sleep on a trolley in a cubical for the first night but managed to get a bed in the early hours of 15/6. As there were no empty beds in either of the hospitals in the town I live in. I am at home now after being in for1 week and two day. Take care xx

Jummie profile image
Jummie in reply to Nottobad

I'm going home today. Surprising what happens when we kick off. It does not do our stress levels any good at all. Wishing you a speedy recovery xx

Jummie profile image
Jummie in reply to Caspiana

Thank you for my hug it's helps when people understand what we go through. I am going home today. Bath wash hair bed sleep. xxx

Danielmystar profile image

Hi I'm new on this but been reading wats been happening jummie it's a disgrace to be treated the way u are or have been treated I also wud make one hell of a complaint I wud also make sure I got an apology wat they have done is caused u a lot of stress which u cud do without my names Val by the way I have copd spinal stenosis arthritis depression hope u r feeling ok now .

skinnylizzy59 profile image
skinnylizzy59 in reply to Danielmystar

Welcome to the club Val, I have the same conditions. There are some good days when I can work outside in the garden for 3 hours and others where I don't want to do anything. Good luck and take care. love Lizzy x

Jummie profile image
Jummie in reply to Danielmystar

Hank you Val I refused to sleep in the cell so I slept in the corridor. Didn't get much sleep tho xx

Jummie profile image
Jummie in reply to Danielmystar

I'm home, came out yesterday afternoon. Slept loads as didn't get much sleep the night before. Feeling bit better now I'm home but hubby has had to go to work so on my own. I'm so tired tho so probably will be sleeping a fair bit today . xx

in reply to Jummie

Glad you're home now. Get as much rest as you can x

Oh dear. I know everyone says it but you are in the best place. Wait for the test results and then if all is well you can go home. Hugs x

Dusty017 profile image

Really bad - feel sorry for you mate.


Cheekychappie profile image

Hi Jummie, sorry to hear about your experience but you seem to have bounced back quite nicely from browsing the replies you have made since your original post. I was isolated too a few weeks ago and I can see where you are coming from. Please bear with it though you are in the best place for your health needs going home could set you back. The nurses laughing when you told them what had come out of your mouth made me smile. Hope you get a smile or more through the day.

Jummie profile image
Jummie in reply to Cheekychappie

Not had much sleep in the corridor. Just want this nightmare to end.

Cheekychappie profile image
Cheekychappie in reply to Jummie

Yeah I imagine not, sorry I hadn't seen that last part about sleeping in the corridor when I responded initially. Hospitals are dire for trying to sleep. Really hope you can be sent home to have a proper rest soon. All the best

Dedalus profile image

Just dreadful - ask to speak to someone from PALS - see if they can do anything to help. Know its bad but try to stay if you can to get some answers to your probs. Good luck xx

corriena profile image

I was put in one of thease treatment rooms it realy was awful. So isolating. Air con straight on the face also not good no windows and nurses constantly shutting the door despite being asked not to. No way to call a nurse and only a overhead light witch was controld by the door. I was too ill to get out of bed and this was truly my worst and most scary hospital say despite not being my illest. Wright that letter it stands as a complaint and helps get things off your chest and out in the open (send a copy to your local press)

I hope you are soon recoverd x

Jummie profile image
Jummie in reply to corriena

I know where you are coming from, the room was so depressing. They kept telling me it was a side room. I asked why does it say treatment room on the door then. A side room and a treatment room requires different health and safety certificates surely. I am making a official complaint and I don't give up easily.

Thank you for your support corriena

corriena profile image
corriena in reply to Jummie

Good luck. we often grumble about stuff but we very realy make it formal. And im as guilty as the next for that just make sure you are taking care of yourself. Maybe your local mp and a copy to BLF thease rooms are used on other wards but i think having respatry problems makes the use of thease rooms realy scary and stressfull not a aid to a quick recovery take care of yourself

Js123 profile image

Hope everything turns out for you sometimes it's so stressful in hospital god bless you and give you the strength to cope

Inamoment profile image

Once when i was in hospital i mentioned I'd had a runny poo and was promptly popped in a sideroom for a few days. The only person i saw was one nurse. It was lovely, nice and quiet, i just got on with my books.

My dad contracted mrsa and was put in an ex tb hospital, the sort where they used to wheel patients out into the fresh air. He was more than happy, never saw a soul which he loved.

It's a question of attitude, but kicking off becae there is no tv is a bit ridiculous. I've got my unexpected hospital admission kit ready, a fire tablet, little radio and books. Nothing else i need

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