Yesterday I had my Spirometry & Blood gases Done. I don't know the Results as it seems the Nurses don't know them, or are frightened of my Consultant. Talk about Blowing the house Down, I thought my Head was going to explode. You are not allowed your Inhalers for 8 hours/4 hours etc. Had to go in the Box and repeat 5 times, then outside watching the Graph on the Screen for 4 attempts at "Blow Out" "blow blow blow" he shouts. This took almost 1 hour to complete, and I'm none the Wiser. When I got Home, I developed a "Head Cold" Oh No, I thought, Couldn't Breathe through either Nostrils, so Bunged up..Eventually I came Down from all that Head Bursting Blowing and happy to say I do not have a Head Cold. I do not see my Consultant till December, as much as we are Friendly, she holds back on Test Results ? So This Morning, I'm None the Wiser, But I am Breathing. PHEWWWW XXXXX
Blowing So So hard...: Yesterday I had... - Lung Conditions C...
Blowing So So hard...

Breathing’s good Carolina so pleased you’re doing that. Pete struggles with the blowing but he’s doing ok.
Have a good day today and breathe well. Xxx 💖😘💖😘
Thanks Carole, Good that Pete is doing ok. Yes, You have to Muster all your Bodily Strengh, which we Lungies don't have, to BLOW then Retract deep, to Blow again, I have done them before many times, just found it harder this time, even with the Valves. You & Pete have a Good day too. Love n Hugs. xxxxx
It’s good to know you don’t have a cold and it was “only” the exertion of your day manifesting itself in a physical way. I hope you’ve recovered from it all now. It is frustrating and mystifying why results are kept from us here. I hope it’s all good anyway and you have a more restful day today.
Thanks Huff, Yes feel lots Better, I can normally wrangle the results from A Nurse, Not This time though. This Morning I'm off to our Planning meeting for Breathe Easy, I'm organising Christmas Dinner for everyone at the Local Pub, so something Nice to keep me Busy. have a Good day Hun. Love n Hugs xxxx
So sorry Carolina, sounds like hard work. In Switzerland and in France they don’t stop inhalers for pfts, it puts patients at risk and is insignificant so I was told when I first came.
As long as you are breathing Cariño 😃🌸
Fran xx
Hola Fran, Yes, I think that sounds right in your two Countries, Think it was to do with finding the correct FEV1, But I would have preferred having my inhalers for such a strenuous Job, FGS, I'm and old Woman. Ha Ha. Hasta Luego Carino. XXXX
My husband used his inhalers first on this last pft. He told me he couldn’t walk into the hospital and do the test if he didn’t. So they didn’t do a post test. What would’ve been the point. Here in the states his respiratory therapist who does the spirometry immediately gives him the complete print out and explains what it all means. He’s had 12 spirometry tests in the past 8 yrs. this time his Fev1 was 28 but he’d already used his spiriva and symbicort so I guess I don’t know what it would have been if he’d done a pre than the post. In 8 yrs it’s went from 42% to 28%. Don’t know that there will be a slowing down or speeding up of lung function loss. Copd seems to keep us guessing.
I always insist the results are mine not the GPs, Nurses or Consultants and always get a copy of the results. I am glad you have recovered from the experience.
What an effort for you without inhalers! My husband usually uses his as normal before these tests. So glad you didn't have a cold. I'm admiring your energy in organising a Christmas dinner for you group. We all need lovely experiences to look forward to. The weather is so awful here at the moment that I'm not doing much but I did get to see the new remake of A Star is Born with Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga and I enjoyed it very much.
Take good care of yourself
Hi Corin, It was because I had Valves in June, and on the Instructions from my Consultant. It was Printed in the Letter, if I take these inhalers I may have to Repeat the Test Again !
Yes, "The Cold", must have been a result of all the "Blowing" and Head Pressure doing it. I am back to my Normal self Today and raring to go. Glad you saw the film & Enjoyed it. When I can have a "Quiet" Oxygen Handbag, I would be tempted to go to the cinema. getting ready for our BE Meeting, takes longer these days to get ready for most things. have a Good day Hun. Love n Hugs. xxx
Lol...I have to laugh at your description of blowing so hard...sorry! My husband doesn’t put his best effort out as he says it gives him a headache. We’ve been married 33+ yrs and he has always been able to just ignore stress in life. I worry for the entire family unfortunately. I do the research. I join the support groups. He just jovially goes on to the next day and tells me “stop worrying “
Wish I could. That would be nice but I feel like we are hanging by twine over the Grand Canyon. I prefer more security in my life. This ten past yrs has forced me to accept a lot of things I’d rather not!
Couldn't you give a few days and speak to consultants secretary. I have spoken to them before especially when I have got my self worked up about results
When I did mine I came out with splitting headache. When I got home downed paracetamol and had a sleep then felt much better.
This is outrageous Hacienda - you are entitled to your results and to a copy of them to take away. What are these nurses thinking, and your consultant. "Nothing about me without me" is the NHS mantra - try quoting that at them. This really makes me mad. Your body, your results, and you're entitled to them. I have a pile of them going back to 2000 when I was diagnosed - and that's from both London and Kent. Glad you've recovered from the effort
Thanks Bernadette. I do hope so. Xxx😰
Been there, done that. Rough test. Especially the arterial blood gases. Usually, you’ll have blood drawn through a vein and just feel the stick, since the inside of veins have no pain receptors. Having blood drawn from an artery was very uncomfortable for me because the inside of arteries do have pain receptors.
Glad you’re breathing - breathing is what you need! I just hope you keep well and your consultant has encouraging news. All the best xxx
Ironically as the valves start to do their work on reducing your lung volume your capacity should increase my dear Carino,rates as you know can be minimal or significant dependant on your original pattern of emphysema,but you are doing all the right things and most importantly enjoying life and i am sure when you see your friendly consultant she will have happy news on your progress.
enjoy that glass of rose vino i am sure you are having with your lunch today, .)
love Ski's and Scruff's xx
Oh my, something I learned from a Respiratory Therapist who is also a should never blow over 3 times....i know they make people blow and blow...but...your are using all your....breath. Makes sense. I will give you laugh, I sit down to do a complete pulmonary function test, I'm all ready!! The hospital fire drill bell went off...there I am in a plastic box, they left me there ( it was their drill) one ever came back..after about a hour and a half...I got up looked for one there...decided to just go home. Yes, I was billed!!
Hope you feel better,
Take care,
OMG Meg, What an Ordeal. Glad you can laugh about it , shows how strong a person you are. I didn't know about "not more than 3 Times" I shall mention it to my Consultant. Take Care Hun. xxxx
Omg! I would have been terrified. I'm very claustrophobic. You deserve a medal for waiting 90 mins in that box!!!! BIlled?
Sure you will hear from your consultant or GP if results show up requiring new treatment. The nurse at our doctors say only the doctor can give results and she wouldn't be able to look them up on screen (don't believe that). Sounds like you had quite an ordeal and hope you get a good break before having another one.x
Hi Joyce, I think it's down to progression of the disease. My Valves worked wonderfully at first, Like me, they have slowed Down. Still waiting for my Call for Transplant, have to wait for the 100% Match. take care Hun, Have a Good Day. xxxx
I had the exact same thing on Monday and I hate going for them. As you say you keep being told to blow blow blow until you head feels like it’s going to explode or you see stars.
Excellent point.
The last spirometry test I had I nearly fainted.Blow thing I knew I was gripping the mouthpiece with my teeth and couldn't let go until I came to my senses and was still light headed for a while...don't like them 😩