Hello again everyone i hope you are all keeping as well as possible.
It's been a while since my last post ( so may be long winded ) well 15 weeks to be precise, this is since my last hospital visit where it was discussed that my case/condition has been thoroughly examined i.e. Xray's, treatments, A&E visits and overall deterioration of my lungs over the past 6 years, and had been suggested by other Consultants and Surgeons at another Hospital, of only Two options, Endobronchial Coil insertion, or double lung transplant.
It's been 3-1/2 months now and following Further A&E visits, Being housebound and on new medication including home and ambulatory Oxygen and constantly agonizing over the eventual conclusion, i returned to hospital today to get Confirmation of the decided course of action, after struggling to get there and struggling with my Anxiety and Depression, my name was called, and once being wheeled into the room by my Brother and connected to my Oxygen, i was faced with an assistant who i had never even met, She had no records or notes, told me my consultant was away and made me an appointment to return in another 3 months.
Is it just me or do i have a right to be really disappointed ?
Thank you for taking the time to read this Folks.