This young lady is my niece Caroline who at at a tender age of 29 was diagnosed with tumours in her brain ...she over the lady four years has had surgery chemo that ravaged her body and radiotherapy...not all the tumour was removed during surgery as was deep rooted ...we knew it would come back returned with a vengeance more chemo more treatment...2 years ago she was told no more treatment you will be dead in 6 months...she was told to book a hospice and wait for the inevitable to happen. Dexamethasone for pain ...on doing research her family mum dad husband son and Caroline decided on cannabis oil which was bought every 21 days from Spain...her consultants are aware of this and monitor her with scans every 2 months she's their guinea pig shall we say lol .....everything was going fine then she developed a numb leg and blindness in her left eye but still she ran the house walked the dog and her positivity and smile were something a recent scan they discovered a cyst on the tumour which was not cancerous and felt that this was the cause of her numb leg and eyesight problem ....her consultant told her we can't operate and remove cyst as risk of infection in her fight she found a second opinion in London and was told there would be no harm in taking this cyst out or draining it ...Thursday of this week she had the operation to drain this cyst and she was home by Friday morning giving everyone her attitude.. this pic is of her an hour after the operation....just to say don't feel sad she would hate that...but be positive strong encourage each other ...this young lady in my eyes is a hero an absolute legend because she will never give up fighting xxxxx
Let me introduce you to my beautiful ... - Lung Conditions C...
Let me introduce you to my beautiful niece Caroline ...when you think you have problems just look at her smile lifts me daily xx

If my daughter in law has half the fight and determination Caroline has, she will be fine.
What an inspirational and exceptional young woman Caroline is Angie. You must be a very proud family
Wishing Caroline all the best. Xxxx
Many thanks Sassy she's a beautiful person xxx
Good luck ,what more can I say to such a fighter
Take Care
Thank you Dorothy xx
What a wonderful girl she is , you must be so proud and rightly so , you are blessed to have her back home and smiling her lovely smile ! 😀 I will keep her in my prayers and wish her a good recovery , huff xxx
Many thanks huf xxx
What spirit! You're fantastic Caroline!! An inspiration to me. Please let her know Angie. xx 💜
I will do Cas she's amazing thank you ❤
So lovely to see that smile after all that she's been through. Do hope things go well for her now that the cyst has been drained, she's such an inspiration. Will be thinking of her.
Mmmm,.me thinks they give honours medals etc to the wrong people at times.
Thank you for introducing us to this wonderful person. Seems wrong that the doctors give out these gloomy prognosis, they should not take away hope, it seems to me, no one knows the future. They cannot account for an indvidual's inner strength and the effect this can have on the body. Your niece is giving hope and strength to many people, what a good reason to go on,living. Love Iris x
Hidden 😃Very inspiration Thanks
What a lovely smile! I shall never grumble again.
Bless you all many thanks for your kinds words she's a wee star xxxx
Bless her
God Bless Caroline. I hope you make a full recovery. And you have a lovely smile. Maggie xx
What a lovely smile and what an inspiration she is. Glad the oil is working for her, but being positive and fighting every step of the way helps so so much. Bless her! Hugs and all best wishes for her continued recovery xx
She has gone through so much but looks so happy 😀
I'm so pleased-what courage and optimism, makes you proud to be part of the human race for once! Could I please ask where exactly she got her CBD oil In Spain? I'm trying to obtain some for pain control, but it's difficult to know what is good and genuine.
So pleased for Caroline though, bless her.
I also should add that I was given two years to live with breast cancer 16 yrs ago! My CPOD was partly caused by asthma and chest infections, but mostly from radiotherapy which damaged my lungs big time, so I feel very strongly that drs should not be so negative because many people survive longer if they believe they can, where my husband would just give up and accept his inevitable demise. God bless xxxx
God bless you to my lovley xxx
I will ask her mum sister and pass the information to you xxx
She is one tough cookie. Respect to her.
Such a radiant smile. Hard to believe that photo was taken only 1 hour after surgery! She truly is an amazing young lady and I'm sure her positive attitude helps her stay strong.
Thanks for sharing Caroline's photo with us what a lovely sunny smile .A very inspirational young lady xxx