Hiya me again my mind is working like crazy you must all be sick of me by now but honestly have no one else to turn to hubby just says I'm paranoid probably right .I know a lot of you like me suffer from insomnia doctor would only give pills for 5 days so I wonder if anyone has found a over the counter sleep aid that works here's hoping
Sleeping aids : Hiya me again my mind... - Lung Conditions C...
Sleeping aids

Nytol is an over the counter one that use to knock me out
You should ask your doctor before you buy anything though because taking sleeping tablets can slow your breathing down and can be a problem for c02 retainers ,,,, im not allowed to use anything like that anymore
I agree with Mandy you should see your gp about this. I wouldn't take anything that was not proscribed for me. I have antidepressants that have a small amount of sedative in them so I have no problem sleeping. Hope you get something that will help you xx
One thing I try when I can't sleep.....instead of thinking over and over' I can't sleep' ......try the Loving kindness meditation.
May I be happy, May I be well, May I be peaceful, May I be at ease
May you be happy, May you be well, May you be peaceful, May you be at ease.
May all be happy, May all be well, May all be peaceful, May all be at ease.
Repeat a few times ....hopefully it will help you.
You can't sleep if you're very anxious, no matter what sleeping pills etc you take. I've discovered this from experience. Anxiety makes your heart pound and brings you out in sweats, followed by chills, making sleep impossible. I think dealing with your extreme anxiety must be your priority.

I know but really don't see a solution always going to be frightened bog situation I'm in worrying about the future what would happen if anything happened to my husband before me feeling ill all the time .Staying upstairs most of the day to avoid having to go up to toilet the list goes on .I have the sweats and chills daytime and nightime horrendous and when the pain under breast starts at same time I just pray to sleep sorry to burden you with my worries but sorry if I wrong but I think you have experienced the same or similar if you had the sweats and chills do you still Take care
I've got it under control now T2D, after psych help, antidepressants, counselling etc. I have a supportive GP & a great husband like yours, but there came a time when I realised I was on a slippery slope &the only person who could really help me was myself. I had to take myself in hand so to speak, take control & face the future one day at a time, stop worrying about things which might not happen. It's not easy but it's the only way. Staying upstairs isn't an option & neither is going downstairs but not drinking. There's nothing to fear from the stairs, not if you take them really slowly & adjust your breathing. Be brave, you can do it, and anyway what's the alternative?

Thank you Hanne you are a truly kind person thank you for being so open with me I will try to take hope from your message
I used to suffer badly from the "What Ifs" - then realised they didn't actually happen that often. I stopped worrying. Still have son to text me "O.K" if he goes on journeys or hols though. Could you instal a downstairs loo or buy an attractive commode chair - staying upstairs is not good for the morale - or a chair-lift possibly? Try closing your eyes and counting to 100 - you must open those heavy lids after every ten though - then do it again if it doesn't work. A lot of people have a favourite place they visit on the edge of sleep - mine is a rugged path in the Himalayas.
No where to put one unfortunately the what ifs are terrible aren't they my husband has to go out for a few hours tomorrow morning I am sat here thinking I will stay upstairs while he is out or should I go down .have a commode but no where in house for it so I have to go to shed to use it .looking into a stairlift we have a curved staircase so they quite expensive don't think we qualify for help I will try your counting game anything worth a try .I don't think my husband to keen on me getting a stairlift I'm not myself but can't see alternative x
i play games on my mobile untill it falls from my hand..
Tried playing scrabble on iPad can be on it for hours or just lying there because you are not supposed to tax brain when trying to sleep
I count backwards in threes from three hundred (297, 294 ...) or take a word or name and try to find five words that start with each letter of that name plus the words must be dissimilar - if you worry then you will be too tense to sleep but this tricks your body into thinking everything is fine - good luck
I put headphones on and listen to story CDs until I fall asleep.
If I can't sleep I either get up and do a crossword and make my eyes so tired they can't stay open or I have a couple of alcoholic drinks. Only do that occasionally though.

Wish I could have a drink but makes me ill one especially if I am taking oramorph
Try staying awake π I am being serious. The mind is an odd animal and if you try to stay awake you may well actually fall asleep!
I seem to go to sleep but wake up a lot but I always have has I have always suffered with anxiety even before the horrid copd ,But I am now finding that has it progresses I seem to wake up in the mornings far to early to clear my airways lol .I think that the anxiety makes me more aware of everything going on in my body and from the time I wake till the time I sleep all I can think of is what is going to be the next thing with this disease I have basically been told by the PARAMEDIC at the sugery that dont call them just suffer even at xmas I went down with a horrid upperairway infection I was coughing up all sorts of colours it lasted weeks and again I was told no antibiotics nor steroids I still haven't fully recovered but this is the reaction I get from the gps so I suffer it x
Hi I'm on zoplicone as I have bipolsr/gad/Insomnia. But I'm going to have to speak to Dr's about using this as I Thi k it slows yr breathing it works very well 4 me I'm on them long term as my Insomnia is dangerous to my bipolar an anxiety if that makes sense I wish I could get real help to sleep instead of tablets I've had so many different meds they all gave side effects. Maybe have a frank discussion with yr gp. Asked to B referred to To the mental health team if that's something I'd b willing to do. They have saved my life on many an occasion. I really hope u find something that works cause Insomnia is a killer. Takes over yr hole life. Good luck xx
Thanks poppy the doctor would only give me 5 tablets theybwere zopiclone. A lot of medicines do slow the bresting down but still get prescribed I had oramorph that was the same xx
Doctors r so reluctant to give any kind of addictive meds it was my mental health provider that over rides my gp. I have bee in on morphine an oramoph 2gether after my surgery with my last baby y I still stayed awake 4 4 days straight. If it's so bad I think maybe asked to B refereed. I feel 4 u even tell zoplicone e so t help so e nites it's so frustrating xx
I know doctors don't like to give sleeping pills now but don't understand what it does to our mental health being awake all time x
Yea it's so tru my Insomnia has effected my life since I waz a teenager. It's one of the most depressing things to have n leads to so many y other issues. Xx
Yes it's a viscous circle it's bad enough coping with the CopD and dodgy sats and heart rate just about had enough I'm wheezing like a old puffing Billy' at moment x
R u really. That's not nice u hear it in yr head Aswell so u can't relax wen u can hear yr own weezing in yr head it's horrible wen laying down. My weezing isn't so bad now after a few days on steriods/antibiotics. I still do t have a diagnosis which is driving me mad. But I'm praying I'm back to normal 2mrs I have two young ones school runs shopping cooking Gota b able to do all this day to day stuff an u need sleep 4 that. How long ago did u get diagnosed. Xx
I take Melatonin each night about 45 min before bedtime. Your body produces melatonin to help your body and mind relax. I take 12 mg per night, that might be too high of a dosage for some. If I'm having allergy problems, I take Benedril and lower the melatonin dosage.
I have no caffeine after 3:00 pm.
I tried melatonin before never worked but can you tell me where you get yours maybe it would help me
I live in the states and you can get it at any pharmacy in the vitamin and supplements dept.
So, a lot of people have a cup of tea, there are certain teas that help get you sleepy. Also there are certain essential oils used in a diffuser that helps.
Exercise (if you can, even if it's mild exercise) about two hours before bedtime helps tire the body.
I never watch anything too nerve racking before bed (politics. lol), it gets my mind too wired up. Years ago, I was watching a documentary on the bible, God vs. Satan. They were saying that there are signs and events going on now preluding to the 'end of days' and Satan taking over. It was a little scary. I had to turn it off and vowed that I will be attending church more often (just in case).
If it's your mind that won't let you rest. I think to myself: There is nothing that I can do about the 'problem/issue' right now so it will have to wait until tomorrow. Some suggest that you write down the reason of your problem/concern and deal with it tomorrow.
Just one thing that may help you when you go upstairs. I watched a video this week by a physio to help people with breathing difficulties (I am on oxygen). She said before you take each step, take a deep breath then as you blow out take a step up, then take a deep breath again and so on. That may help.
I'm on oxygen to been upstairs about a hour ago sats went to 78 heart rate 139 dreading going upto bed thanks I watched that clip then promptly forgot mind just goes blank
Just a thought many swear by magnesium supplement at night to relax and get some sleep.
Thanks is that from a health shop
Hi hun I have the same problem. I can't get to sleep and when I do its short lived even zopiclone didn't keep me asleep all I can suggest is listen to a book with earphones it helps knock me out harry potter and the philosophers stone is over 5 hours long
I put the radio on at a volume just a little below what's easy to hear so I have to concentrate to hear it. I have it on BBC R4 which during the night becomes the World Service and trust me, after half an hour concentrating on dentistry in Uganda or whatever, you will be asleep!
Sounds like you found something that works for you