Well went doc's re blood test result and stocking fitting.
Doc said THEY don't do that anymore you just take perscription to chemiest and get small medium large.
I cant remmber what she said but think was the dont give em out for varacouse vain's enzema or leg swelling.
Was one or other
GP then asked was i going to ware them really AND i said yer if its chouse of DVT or Living course am going to ware em.
Anyway then she said THEY would do me know harm eather way.
Then was blood test results.
Doctor said i had big blood cells MCV stuff THEN asked if i was alcoholic.
So i replyed i WISH but sadly am tea total.
Then she went threw results and she said i could have macrocytosis given mcv big blood cells.
She said my folate was ok but my b12 was low but not as low as been.
We touched on melabsortion issues and she said i have appointment with podiatry re tibia shins pain walking issues.
Told me they would do test imagining and is inportant i see them.
So i asked about B12 and Big blood cells and she said let podiatry do test
And that was that ... so guess have to wait and see AGIN