Wonder if I will get delivery tomorrow feeling all of a flutter step towards going out just need wheelchair feeling a bit overwhelmed going from walking about without trailing lead and pipes up nose to having to go into a wheelchair hopefully I can build my strength up and walk .I am getting liquid oxygen so was hoping someone could tell me how long I will get 2litres constant I'm mouth breather and if any left in flask do you just fill from there .Anyone had any problems thank you
Going out oxygen : Wonder if I will get... - Lung Conditions C...
Going out oxygen

Never used liquid, but on 2lpm you can expect 4/8 hours depending on make and model of flask.
Looks like they use the companion flask should last 8 hrs.
Information before hand,
It will all be explained when it arrives. Stop getting stressed and enjoy.
Thank you good job I got him indoors to fill it can only try it but it seems pretty scary stuff so might end up getting tanks but they so big aren't they
Some are, some are smaller. You can always ask for the smallest of them if you find the regular ones too heavy. The only drawback is that being smaller they do not last as long.
Thank you the respiratory nurse showed me pictures but not of small ones they looked to heavy to manage
The oxygen cylinders come in 2 sizes (that I know of) the 400 and the 300. I use the 300 which was described to me as being for 'frail old ladies'. You won't have to carry it in the wheelchair anyway because it will hang on the back.
Thanks I feel like a frail old lady don't know where the other me as gone I hope to get some strength back and to be able to walk outside
Dear Time_2_drink ,hoping that your oxygen does arrive today for you and that you can finally venture outside for a nice bit of fresh air. That should lift your spirits and give you the chance to experience using oxygen outdoors etc. Even if you start off in your wheelchair(which I had to do as like you I had no strength in my legs), its really surprising how quickly you will find yourself able to take that first little walk. You'll get there.......and it will be interesting to read how you are doing. I'm sure your family will be so pleased to see you making progress too. Best of luck for today.
Greetings! You sound very low! Wheelchairs aren't the worst things ever invented and I'm sure that as you build up your strength you will be able to get going again. I loathe my wheelchair - but if I want to go somewhere, it's always better if someone pushes me, so that I have the energy to do what I want, when I get there (if you see what I mean). It's an energy-saving device
I have a small trolley for my oxygen bottles when i go out or if I'm walker any distance which is not very often I have a stroller I use and attach the bottle to the back with the hooks that people use on prams for bags. ask our suppler about a back pack for the oxygen bottles
Thanks wouldn't be able to put on back only small and slight even more so now