Is it really so difficult to book an holiday abroad, if you are on oxygen Do you check with your doctor first to see if your alright to fly, then you look for an holiday ,and check if they allow you to fly with oxygen,by the time I've finished the holiday I was looking to book had gone. Surely there must be a better way of doing it. I was looking to going to Cyprus I even looked to see if I could go overland ,but that wasn't possible. I am on supplementary oxygen for 16 hours a day on 2llitresu when sat,and 3 litres when walking. I'm also on relvar ellipta and spiriva, and blood pressure tablets. Has anybody any good advice for this situation.
Oxygen and going abroad : Is it really... - Lung Conditions C...
Oxygen and going abroad

Firstly you can not take NHS oxygen equipment provided, abroad.
Which leaves you having to hire or purchase your own portable equipment if you can use pulse flow delivery system. Ensuring you have enough battery power plus fifty percent for the journey.
You may need a fit to fly obtained from your GP may be a small charge.
Check on the Airlines web sight with regards medical equipment and oxygen.
Several low cost airlines are to stop supplying on board oxygen.
Further information
I have always taken my NHS DD canisters abroad with me for use on flights with no problems at all. Not as though your likely to lose them is it as they are with you and needed for the return journey
Pardon my ignorance, What’s a DD canister?
It is the normal size cylinder supplied to me by BOC for when I am out walking
Thank you. If you take that away with you how do you refill it whilst on holiday?
I don't I normally take 2 cylinders with me which supplies me with enough oxygen during the flight as I am not allowed to fly without oxygen. The following numbers are the ones most likely to offer you any advice and help they are The Overseas Health Team on 0191-2181999 or the Dept of Health on 02072104850. If I can help further come back to me. I wish you well
Believe me it is not at all easy unless you have your own portable equipment. You will need a fitness to fly letter from your doctor to be shown at check in. It is possible to arrange for oxygen to be provided at the place you are staying but it may mean you phoning the country your going to and also sending faxes to a number given faxing over what ever they ask for ie passport, EICC card details inc full address and phone number of where you will be staying. I have found I can be provided with an machine run off the electric for where your staying but what they supply in other countries for oxygen when out and about even on 2Ltr flow only lasts a max of 3 hours. If you want the numbers to get you started let me know, but we have given up on holidays abroad as I cannot cope with arranging the oxygen any more its just to much. Also certain airlines only provide oxygen on board, mostly at cost although EasyJet I believe are free
Hi I’m on oxygen and went away to turkey in July this year, you defo need a fit to fly letter and it must state fit to fly any other wording won’t be accepted. I had to hire a portable machine from think it was £150 per week then had to leave a £350 deposit which was refunded once the machine was returned, it came with 2 rechargeable batteries you can hire more think they’re £35 each per week. My travel insurance was really good with fish, if you mention the British lung foundation you get it at a better cost. Certain airlines supply the oxygen free of charge but needs to be booked well in advance then if there are more than one person on that flight needing the oxygen it’s first come first served. All in all it wasn’t as bad as I expected you just need to be organised.
Good luck x
Just to say, I travel backwards and forwards between the UK and Spain. I take my Inogen One portable oxygen concentrator with me for in flight and arrange reciprocal continuous oxygen for overnight. I fly easyjet on special assistance, and they have always been superb. So I would say that you can go to any country in the EU and get the same.
Where do you get the overnight Oxygen from thanks for that information Sam
Actually I live in Spain so I get reciprocal oxygen therapy in the UK, which works very well via my daughter's surgery.
This is where you need to look for reciprocal oxygen therapy when you visit Spain from the UK. I think all the information is on this page as to how you apply for it ...
Thank you Michelle T51 that's good to know about easy jet I will keep them in mind. Do you have to have a fit to fly letter every time you fly. .
Not as such. I simply go to my doctor about a week before I travel and he provides me with a detailed prescription for my requirement for oxygen therapy. As I take my own POC on the flight I don't need to provide a 'fit to fly'. All my oxygen requirements are provided in Spain by the Spanish NHS using a company called Linde. They give me a certificate to take my Inogen One POC out of the country.
I've been to the UK 4 times this year but last December I had to cancel my trip because I developed an exacerbation a week before departure date. I called Easyjet and they refunded me in vouchers after I provided a note from my doctor. Brilliant service I thought.
This is super information thsnks to you all very much
I want to take my sister for a much needed break to Spain she needs continuous oxygen abd the portsbke canisters dont last long enough for travel. They were thinking of buying one, woukd anyone recommend a type?