Does any one else get terrible back ache when trying ti do any jobs. I have emphysema
Back pain: Does any one else get... - Lung Conditions C...
Back pain

I do have back but not breathing problems. Pete has sarcoidosis and COPD plus terrible back problems. He has a spinal cord stimulator fitted which we think has moved and osteoporosis.
I do think sometimes drugs cause problems plus lack of mobility. See if your GP can suggest anything. Take care. Xxxxxxx
I have emphysema to and I get bad backache
Hi I have backache as well as copd and it seems to have got worse over the years. I put it down to age but maybe it's not? Going to have a google now. I emphasise coz painful backs are awful aren't they? x
Yep. Backache whenever standing to do things eg cooking but I put it down to being unfit and having untoned muscles for which I roundly blame my chest problems!
I have back pain when doing things I have COPD too. Witch has got worse since being dx with psoriatic arthritis. I would see your GP about it. Could have nothing to do with your lung problems
I to have really bad backache/pain, from the midrange area down, I had it before I was diagnosed with the Asbestosis and then later with Bronchiectasis, but then I blamed it on my car accident. But now I'm convinced it's related to the chest problems in some way.
Keep plodding along, that's all you can do, and take each day as it comes
Oh yes. I have Severe Asthma and COPD, and yes, if I don't pace myself properly and stop to recover, I get tired, then my upper back starts aching, or rather, what I think is the back of my lungs. If we cough a lot, then back muscles are strained, and when we struggle to breathe, we overuse muscles, so yes, they complain. Relaxing in a comfortable chair, with a heat pad on my upper back is bliss for me.
Yes, but it only comes when I am standing or walking.....really painful. I have an appointment with an orthopaedic consultant soon.
I get back pain from osteoarthritis secondary to a bad road accident in 1977, on top of my COPD. My husband gave me the wonderful gift of a back massager for Christmas a couple of years ago. It fits over a chair with a high back, and you sit on it, press the controls for rolling massage or shiatsu massage, and let it do its work. So helpful.
I also do a morning routine of back stretches and simple exercises given me over the years by physios and osteopaths to help prevent getting my back too badly damaged with my antics. Still recovering from spring cleaning the dining room and the lounge on consecutive days Friday and Saturday, though.
I have COPD and as someone else said I get back ache where we think the back of our lungs are...other than a hot bath I haven't found any relief I'm afraid
I also get aching underneath my lungs at the back .but I think its like the lady above said its where you struggle to breath .It aches if you have to walk or stand for to long