I was playing basketball and when I got the back I heard a crunch noise on the left side of my back rib. It feels like a cramp but it doesn't go away it's been 2 days since it's been hurting. Any help is appreciated.
Left back rib pain: I was playing... - Lung Conditions C...
Left back rib pain

It's probably worth seeing a physiotherapist, osteopath or chiropractor if the pain continues, or a doctor or casualty department if the pain is much sharper when the damaged area is pressed.
Hi this could be any number of things and we can't diagnose you over the internet. There are no medical professionals on here so you need to make an appointment to see your doctor. I hope the pain eases soon.

The pain has calm down but it hurts when I lean to my right but not the left thanks for the advice
I think you should see a doctor ASAP, especially as you felt a crack.
As Lilaclil and Ergendl say, it could be many things. If it is a cracked rib you need to find out the reason why. Good luck. P
See a Dr. This is the only way you will now. I had a violent coughing spell and then was horribly sore in my mid to back right side ribs. Long story short, I broke 3 ribs in my coughing jag. See a Dr. Best Wishes, judg69