Hello all....does anyone react to the scent of Christmas trees?I brought one the other day as love the scent ,but my breathing got a bit more difficulf.Maybe just co-incidence.Merry Christmas to all, and my main least wish is for peace amongst men.
Pine Trees: Hello all....does anyone... - Lung Conditions C...
Pine Trees

Interesting, I haven't got a real tree but I have noticed that when we bring fire wood in and it's a bit damp, a similar thing happens to me where the smell seems to take my breath away. On the other hand Chanel No. 5 and a few other smells does it too.
The effect of the wood smell seems to go away once the wood has dried
I react badly to them as well. Can't touch them either! Merry Christmas. XXX
Morning piping. 😀 It's strange how some smells affect us & others don't.
I was visiting my sister & she had new sofas in her sitting room. We sat in the room to watch a DVD & after about 20mins I could feel my throat feeling uncomfortable 😣 then I started coughing, a dry cough, which I don't usually have. Then breathless to the point I had to get up & leave the room & use my rescue inhaler.
It wasn't till later when I thought about it, it was the odour that comes off new furniture. I was fine after a while but never went in that room again!
Maybe you should invest in an artificial tree 🌲 I have a fibre optic one 🎄
Merry Christmas 🎉🎄🎁🎊🎅🏼
Jessy . .to me it's just not the same . Is strange as did not notice last year . Maybe because my FEV is a little lower this year.
Yes I agree a real tree is beautiful but for the sake of breathing ok for the time I have it up, I'm happy with an artificial tree 🎄
Hi piping, my middle daughter reacts badly to them, I was given a real tree once and had to put it outside quickly.
They make my skin itchy, but it's birch trees that give me hay fever symptoms
We can't have a real tree because it does affect Petes breathing.
Best wishes for Christmas and the coming year. Xxxx