I know, I know...its ages off yet, but wwas just pondering whether any fellow lung disease sufferers had issues with real Cjristmas trees. Traditionally we always have a huge, real tree and I'm bothered that it might agravate my breathing....I might risk it anyway..... anyone got an opinion???
Christmas trees: I know, I know...its... - Lung Conditions C...
Christmas trees
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Don't use the C word until the end of November (Artificial tree keeps good relations with the cleaner)
haha xxxx
I love a real Christmas pine but it gives me watery eyes & stuffed up sinuses so I presume it's not very good for my lungs either. Hence we have to have an artificial one Of course that's just me
FF x
Argh, the C word!!!
I used to have a real tree but the pine smell really got on my chest so now I use an artificial tree.
When I go to houses with real trees I get tight and need my inhaler.
Everyone's different though!
Personally I wouldn't contemplate a real tree as pine with central heating would permeate my entire living space, ok if you don't get an allergic reaction and can tolerate. My lungs are very sensitive to anything like this, (strong odours or fragrance in enclosed spaces)
I know others with damaged lungs who have tried and it has caused problems with their breathing. Then there is the clean up of pine needles.....
Here is an article about Christmas Trees (real and artificial) and allergies:
Enjoy your tree whichever you decide.
Auntymary xx
We usually buy a treated tree which means no odour and no needle drop.
Love the smell of real trees but I always think about all the little bugs in them so have not had one for many years now and am happy with my artificial one.
oddly enough, last year I bought an artifical tree from B & Q, we usually have a real tree, but the year before paid £25 for quite a small tree which dropped it's needles almost imediately. But I also do a twig tree, for the back room, I'll go over the forest and harvest a twig or two and decorate that, and really, it really does look nice. I think tesco's, sainsbury's sell painted twiggs that will also look lovely with a few baulbles on, it's just letting go of the idea of a big green tree that I find difficult, and in agreement with everyone else, it feels for to soon to be using the 'c' word, but I have bought a couple of packs of 'c' cards, love all xxx
Artificial here, not just because of any issues with bugs on them, or falling needles, just convenience. The only issue we have is dust, when setting the tree up after it's been in storage all year and after, stripping it down when it's been stood there a while.
I have a wonderful device to get around that, it's called a wife... She sorts it out, I just carry the box up from the cellar and put it away again when we've had enough of seeing it..
Or stay at my house where we don't bother to celebrate Christmas, its great so liberating. Have done this for the past five years, and whilst every other mad bugger is stressing out on Turkey, decorations and which set of parents to visit on what days to keep every one happy, we have a relaxing day, a nice simple roast dinner and cuddles and walkies with the dog.
Good for you Daxiemad.
We still have the artificial tree but don't bother with all the other dectorations, at times our house looked like a Christmas grotto.
I love not going out shopping in the crowds and cold, now our grandchildren are given a gift of money and choose their own presents.
We have decided not to send out Christmas cards this year, too expensive and anyone I really want to send a greeting to I will send an ecard.
polly xx
Actually it's not that far away 9 weeks tomorrow! just ordered a new artificial tree. i dont have breathing problems but my dad has COPD and a real tree used to aggravate his breathing so my parents have had an artificial one for a few years. it's good cos you can use it year after year but the storage is an issue.
thanks for all your replies...we are going to have a ponder!
Christmas is very important to us as we celebrate it as a religious festival, the traditions, trees etc, are not important from a religious point of view but from a family point of view they are, especially now!
I really love Christmas and it breaks my heart that I wont be able to do as much as I have done previously. This year I am aiming to lead our Carol Srevice (for the 20th year!), make it to the Christmas morning service...and accept help for the rest lol!!! Lots of other traditions will have to go by the wayside...but perhaps we can make some new ones
OK I promise not to mention Christmas again for weeks!
Mrs S x
(ding, dong merrily......hmmmm)
We don't bother with decorations as all the children go to the in-laws on Christmas Day. Our Christmas Day lunch is already booked at a local hotel. We see the children and grandchildren in the week before or after so still have the joy of present opening.
I have used atrificial trees for years. The other week I had a look online and found a gorgeous fibre optic with old fashioned lanterns on it. I fell in love with it so my husband said to buy it. A bit more expensive than I have ever paid before but when it arrived it was worth every penny. my grandkids will love it. Hope I get to enjoy it this year I struggled through the day last year but then spent the next 2 weeks in hospital, my old man had to put all the Christmas decorations away himself. It was quite funny as when I got home on the 9th of January, I remember the day because it's my daughters birthday, anyway he had forgotten a little santa claus was sittlng out all on his lonesome!
Good Afternoon
Well Mrs Shimmy i don't think it's too early to talk about Christmas at all - i am not ashamed to say it - I love Christmas!
I thnk as ever it comes down what triggers your breathing - maybe if you are prone to allergies it may affect you. Have you had problems before? I know what you mean about real trees though - the smell and feel is wonderful! The only reason i stopped having a real tree was the fact that i put up my trees/decorations at the end of November/start of December and by the time christmas came my tree wasn't happy at all. I usally have around 6 trees in my house, this is a reduction of the 9 i used to have - you can never have too many christmas trees!
Jo I am a bit of a santa fanatic. Every year my husband says remember we don't need any more santas. but I cant resist them!
A girl after my own heart!!
I've never had any issues with Christmas trees before so think we'll go ahead...we don't have it up for weeks and weeks...our tradition is to go to the farm at the end of the road after the service on the Sunday before Christmas and decorate it that evening. Also we dont have it in the living room but in the conservatory so I'm not sat under it (like a fairy!)
If it makes we wheeze..we'll think again...as Loda says we can always pop it in the garden
I also love Christmas and tho we have an artificial tree in our lounge this year I fancy buying a small real tree still in pot that I can move outside afterwards that will go in our dining room and didnt give a thought how it might effect my breathing, but if I find it does have an effect can just open french doors onto the terrace and put lights on it out there, so we can still enjoy it. Ive just wrapped all my Christmas presents and written all my cards so apart from the food and any last minute bits and pieces I am ready. I have always been organized by Oct for Christmas and then can just enjoy the build up of it all without stress. Sorry to all of you that havent thought about it yet! luv Lorraine xx
We have an artificial tree as the real ones make Pete a bit wheezy. Not sure if that is because of the sarc or copd but we don't have real in our house, which is a shame as I love them. Talking about Christmas (sorry!) as we left Bembridge this morning they were decorating everywhere for Christmas as they do Tinsel and Turkey breaks! Not even end of October yet! xx
OK, I can appreciate the religious side of things being important to some, but for those who want an artificial tree and still have that wonderful smell of Pine there is a very cheap alternative...
Oh god one sniff of those damn things and A & E here I come, nope love my Christmas free zone!
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