Hello, I'm a 36yr old non-smoking female and I sufferered a 100% spontenous pneumothorax last month. On 14th Oct I had pleurodesis, pleurectomy, stapling of blebs & tiny wedge of lung removed. 16 days post-op the follow up X-ray showed left lung back up to 100% and op successful, but whilst scars are healing nicely, 5 weeks on from op I have huge tightness in my left chest when I move my left arm and it is still painful to lie on either left or right side in bed. When I start to walk down the road I have this weird sensation as if something is pulling down on my lung from the inside and my lung is about to fall out. Weird, I know. And very uncomfortable. I'm such a long way from being able to jog or cycle.
Also parts of my chest are still numb to touch (e.g. beneath my breast) while parts hurt like heck to touch (nerve pain) making wearing a bra a non-starter.
Is this normal after 5 weeks? Am I too impatient? My consultant made it sound as if I should have been back to normal very rapidly after the stitches came out from the chest drain wound a few weeks ago. Whilst in hospital I was never offered any physio or given any advice as to any post-op stretching I should do.
Thank you for any help you can give!