Have to go for spirometry test next week. Have been told to change appointment if on antibiotics. I will finish them two days before test.However will still be on steroids.Wil this affect the test?
Spirometry: Have to go for spirometry... - Lung Conditions C...

I don't think you can have a spirometry test until 6 weeks after you've finished your antibiotics. π
Hi jkboxes.
Probably . The fact that you're on steroids will probably help your breathing which will not be a true reading as if you weren't on them. But then again if the doc knows that you're on these meds he may want to know if they are doing their job. I'd check with the tech first as they may not want you on anything. If you go without telling them they might tell you to go home and make another spot.
That's all I can suggest at this stage but good luck anyway.
i have to wait 6 weeks after I finish my ABs and steroids before I can be tested again. x
Steroids will not affect your spirometry test if you have been on them regularly.
yep 6 weeks after ab before you can test
JKBoxes I went for spirometry 6weeks after my course of antibiotics and steroids and was told to wait 8weeks as it takes that long to recover from steroids.
Blimey! Six weeks between antibiotics and steroids and a spirometry test has proved impossible for me this year as have been on them every four weeks.
My doctor told me to present for the test if I was no longer 'chesty' so, as I was feeling better than I had been, I turned up for the test but the nurse refused to do it and said I was not well enough to have a true reading. But, neither of them said anything about a 6 week interval. I had the test done by the consultant a couple of weeks later which was still not 6 weeks.
I learn so much from this site!
I had this breathing test in New Zealand early on this year. I was on antibiotics they never mentioned it. It was done in my doctors surgery. It was no problem just exhausted me a bit emptying my lungs as much as I could. Blowing those candles out.
Hi all
This is my first post and need some advice.I have Emphysema which resulted in my right lung collapsing 4 times. I continued working but only part time,I have recently been made redundant and due to my age (60) I no longer want to work.I am waiting for a medical note from my doctor which can take upto 28 days.I can't afford to wait that long so I went for universal credit.I know my doctor will support me but my question is how do I go from UC to claiming disabilty. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards

Hi Jackie, the BLF helpline may be able to help you. They are open during the working week and you can contact them by phone or email ....details are on the BLF website.
The Citizens Advice Bureau can help as well.
If you like, could you post this request as a new thread....just click on the green box...write a post ...on the top right hand side of this page. .....more people may see it then and can help you better than I can.
Welcome and best wishes
Ok thankyou
as Pam I think you have to be clear at least a few weeks before the test I'd phone and check you don't want to waste your time and theirs good luck xxx
For what it's worth, I do Spiriva Respimat and Symbicort every morning and have for the past 4 plus years; I go twice a year for my spirometry tests at my pulmonologist who prescribed them both and who has never mentioned not taking them or any medicine for any reason at all.
For what it's worth....
I'm not on steroids or antibiotics but was told not to use my Ventolin for at least 12 hours before the spiro test.
You should take your test 'raw' with nothing not even inhalers...and yes steroids will increase your FEV so nope cancel and re schedule until your clear and off them, the clinics normally instruct you no medications for 24 hours pre testing...which for the bulk of lung patients includes the inhalers...this and only this will ensure a positive and accurate test result of baseline FEV...important!
Thanks to all who responded.I note all the comments. However when I contacted the clinic I was told to come for the test regardless of antibiotics and steroids! Told only not to use inhalers for 4 hours for ventolin.24 hours for aclidinium. Such a variation in advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Different Doctors different opinions, I was told that it would not matter.
I am using Symbicort, Salbutamol Inhalers also Spiriva capsule : I was told not to use Inhalers on day of test. I have Emphysema , C.O.P.D etc.