I've got test Tuesday. Bricking it. How will I know if I've got COPD or not?
Spirometry Test Tuesday : I've got test... - Lung Conditions C...
Spirometry Test Tuesday
You will be told directly after the test try not to worry x
I've had anxiety about this test for the last two months
I'm only 43
Fully understand your anxiety... there is lots of relaxation techniques as being anxious can affect your breathing have you tried any relaxation at all x
Trying mindfulness meditation
I'm just dreading those words. I'm single and don't see much future in living a full life if I have it.
Seriously it's not a life sentence ...the more you worry the more negative you get ..wait till you know for sure if it's copd then speak to the nurse doing the test she will be able to give you all the advice and steps you need to take x

Ok, pretty much everyone feels like that when they're diagnosed. I certainly did but I have been diagnosed for 16 years now and I lead a very full life.
Exercise and a good diet are important but they are important whether or not you are dxd with copd. I hope it turns out not to be copd but if it does and you are able to exercise you should ask your doctor about a referral to pulmonary rehabilitation, a course of exercise and education for people with lung disease - most who do it have copd.
You will be able to learn a lot from this forum, and there is a positivity here which you sometimes don't find on other sites so Id advise sticking with us. Get through in the easiest way you can til tuesday then come back and tell us how you got on. Good luck

Bless you London, everyone one here understands how you feel, I joined this site yesterday after doctor told me that I now have hyperinflated lungs and will get another spirometry test very soon, I too am scared, I know I have COPD, was and if honest am still trying very hard to not panic and to see a future, I have learned so much in 24 hrs, firstly Do not Google the condition, you will scare yourself unecessarily, then listen to the fantastic advice there is on this site, several people have given me hope and perspective and I am fed up of sitting here stressing I am off for a long walk, all the best London. Alaura.
I assume this is being done at your GP practice. It will establish if there is an obstructive disease by looking at amount of air you can exhale in a second, FEV1, and also looking at the ratio of that over your full forced capacity, FVC. If they want to see if you have asthma as well or instead, the test will be repeated after a dose of Salbutamol, and a wait of twenty minutes.
I am so sorry that you are so anxious about it.
I am a great believer in knowledge about our illnesses. For me it is far worse to be left in a limbo of not knowing. Once you know you can find out about the condition and take the medication, advice, treatment. If you read other posts here you will know that the vast majority of members have COPD, and they cope, live well, enjoy themselves, and get as much as they can from their lives.
So... take heart, gird up your loins, (or grid up your lions as a friend said) and let us know the result.
All the best
It's being done at the hospital and I've got s follow up with the consultant three weeks later

Maybe you are having a Pulmonary Function Test? This is similar but more extensive, includes Spirometry, but also tests for gas exchange and lung volumes. I got my consultant to make note on the PFT request that I was to be given the result at the time, but it may be that you will have to wait to see your consultant. Sorry about that, more wretched waiting.
I have had COPD for the last 20 years. Never smoked, but it doesn't worry me. I still play squash, tennis and golf. It doesn't stop me from I like doing so don't worry
I was diagnosed with COPD following blood tests, x rays and spirometry tests. Then I was given a CT scan. My respiratory consultant based on the results of the CT scan says I don't have COPD. I think the medical profession can only do their best with the results they are given.
1st. Thing I noticed was. On. A walk say. A miles. Or 2. My legs more so. Quads. Muscles would get. Very. Heavy. And I. Would. Have to sit. Down. After that. I started. Noticing. That. I could not talk to people. Whilst a quick. Walk. Short walk. Then. Stairs. I use to bound up. Them. 3 /4. At a time. Maybe. If do it will only be mild. But. Stay away from smoker. Passive. Is. bad. Well. All the best. Paul
Had test today
Most people will say try not to worry etc, but everyone here will tell you that is easier said than done. You've had some cracking advice. I'd just like to add that we have all been where you are. It's scary but no matter what the doctors say you will be able to go forward and have a happy life, if you get your head around it. I am COPD stage 3, not much older than you, but right now I am at the park with my family enjoying the sunshine and looking forward to the rest of my life with a smile on my face. The way I see it, no matter how tough it gets for me, it could always be worse. Take care, try not to worry, and if you ever want to chat about it feel free to message me.