Has anyone had lung volume reduction surgery using stents.
Lung Volume Reduction: Has anyone had... - Lung Conditions C...
Lung Volume Reduction

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Is that the same as Endobronchial Valves? I haven't but a friend down the road has. I hope it all goes well for you. I assume you are in line for the op? Not all emphysema suffers can have them because I think it depends on the damage being localised and not massively widespread. ( Who am I to say? Shut up, woman.) The huge advantage is that if it does not work conventional LVR surgery may still be an option.
All the best and let us know how it goes.
K xxxx
Don't tell yourself to shut up! I think you're right - it can be quite widespread but not throughout the lungs. If you see what i mean. I hope your fiend is doing well. Sue x
Thanks. I am fascinated by all things lung but can obviously get things wrong. I once told someone here that BOOP was a small airways disease. She was affronted. I think she thought I was trivialising her condition. I was right but small airways diseases are NOT small diseases. I should know....
No you didn't get it wrong - you were misunderstood. And yes you should know. Hope you're well at the moment.
Sue xx
Hi lilly-rose, No I haven't but I'm starting to be looked at for it.
I wrote to my consultant after Mark had posted info about it. He didn't think I met the criteria, but contacted the nearest surgeon with CT scans etc. He does think he might be able to help and will see me after I've had more tests done.
I'm in two minds about it - probably more like three or four minds really , and will be very interested in your experiences.
Lots of luck, Sue x
Many thanks Sue. Like you I am not sure but will have an assessment to see if I am suitable and find out more about it. I never saw Mark's info about it
Mark posted something probably at the end of March. He gave links for information etc. It will be there somewhere. Keep in touch, Sue
Thanks Sue I will.
Had lung volume reduction on my left lung, my breathing has improved. They now want to do my right lung as I recovered so well after operation. I might add that post operatively it is very painful, felt that for up to 6 weeks. It is now 3 months since my operation and I definitely feel the benefit. So well worth considering if you are given the option.

What I am looking to have done is not an operation as such it is a scope through the mouth and stents put into the lungs with just an overnight stay in hospital. Is this what you had? I am so pleased that you have had such a good result.
No, but I have been offered this its either coils or valves via throat I do believe some have had a good outcome via this method if they are deemed suitable.
That's good to hear. I will let you know if the doctors think I am suitable. Many thanks.
Hi Lilly -rose
Just to let you know I will be having the procedure your asking about on Tuesday. You have to stay in hospital for five days. I have had a lot of tests done over the past six weeks and met the criteria. You have to have fev1 below 40% mine is 30% I have wide spread emphasema which stops you having lung volume reduction done the traditional way. Although I say I am having it done on Tuesday once under general anaesthetic they carry out another test called the chartis test so I won't know untill I wake up if I have had the valves inserted. There are risks involved so it's fingers crossed that it all goes ok.
Many thanks for your reply. My fev1 is 25%. I also have wide spread emphysema so cannot have it done the traditional way. I hope all goes well tomorrow. Please let me know how you get on . I will be thinking of you Meglou.
Hope all goes well for you and the valves work. It will make life so much easier. Thinking of you.
Hi lilly-rose
Just thought I would let you know I had 4 valves put into left lung last Tuesday sadly found out on Friday they haven't worked. I have just been left with worse symptoms than when I went in which I certainly wasn't expecting. I know that they have worked for some people but at the moment I'm certainly regretting my decision to have it done.
I am so sorry. This is what puts me off, ending up worse than I already am. After all you went through and you are no better off. Take care of yourself and keep in touch.
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