I have been put forward for lung volume reduction surgery but know nothing about it. has anyone here had the operation ?
Lung Volume Reduction : I have been... - Lung Conditions C...
Lung Volume Reduction

i had this op April 2015 at st james leeds it was tuff going but worth it.
Hi Andy. I don't have any knowledge or experience of this, but I know there's folk on here who do & I'm sure there will be so.body along later best wishes Nan
I it done 1971 but the x rays did not show all the damage and they had to leave some of it so as not to interfere with breathing
stop smoking if you are keep a it s possible and fid out how the are going to do the op
I had open chest but a lot of key hole ops are done now the army got us using indian clubs for halve hour at a time and lifting beds up on he back wheels the hospital will set you right on what to do good luck with your op
Hi, my name is Blueshoes. I have had two lung reduction ops. The first one worked brilliantly, I was so much better. It's well worth having. The second op turned out worse and am now back to square one. In hindsight I shouldn't have opted for the second op. The benefits of the second op are quite minimal compared to the first so as I said, should have left that one. However I do recommend that you at least have the first, it did wonders for me. If there is anything you want to know I'll be happy to answer your questions as best I can.
No, only a week. Went in Sunday,op Monday and home Saturday.
I was not told anything by consultant just to look on internet. But hopefully will when i see the specialist
Sorry so late replying, been away. You may well need your inhalers but if you are on oxygen then the possibilities of not having to use it are huge. Not sure what tablets you are on but your nurse/ doctor will put you right on that. The operation does make you feel tons better, I had mine done at Papworth by video assisted keyhole, the procure done that way is a lot less invasive and the scars are only a thin line that quickly fade so you really have to look to find them. Hope this helps.