Changed respiratory nurses,my original one was a snob and I think I was too working class for her lol, she would do nothing for me ,so I changed hospital's and my new nurse is fantastic, she's already got me the help to apply for a wetroom,changed my nebuliser and got me a better oxygen concentrator.she came to the house to meet me and she was so much more helpful and approachable.I'm usually very guarded but when she came out I'd just had upset from my daughter,and started crying,the poor nurse,she sat and held my hand until I'd composed myself.Hope everyone has a lovely weekend <3
Respiratory nurse: Changed respiratory... - Lung Conditions C...
Respiratory nurse

Good to find someone with compassion and care. Bless you. Xxx
Hi gothmum, I'm glad you managed to change your respiratory nurse. You will feel much happier with the care she will give you.
She seems to be setting in motion, lots of aids to help you.
Well done, hope you have a good weekend 💐
aw good she was there for you .Hope you feel better now Jeanie x
I have found both in hospital and outside the hospital environment that there are nurses and nurses, i.e. some have a real vocation for nursing whilst to others it is just a job. Glad you have now found the right one Gothmum.
Yes I know Gothmum. It makes me so cross when they take that 'couldn't care less' attitude
Good for you that your new nurse is fantastic. Nobody deserves inferior treatment. I've changed docs in the past for poor treatment.
My nurse is lovely too, we are so lucky to have the support x
Aw Gothmum, your new nurse sounds like a huge improvement on the old one! 😁 she does sound nice and helpful! I'm glad you have someone like her looking out for you.huff 💐💜 xxx
That's great the medical people we deal with can make such a difference to us. This snobby nurse should change professions!!!!!! I'm so glad you have a great new respiratory nurse. Take care x
My husbands nurse is really good and is a great help. Good look with the wet room. Xx
I worked in the NHS and when we joined the hospital 20 miles away we were told we had to work across the two sites. I always enjoyed a laugh and joke with the in mates and staff but the staff from the other hospital were so far up themselves they wouldn't even talk to us. It's hard to believe why people like this would choose a career like this.