hi all, I keep reading on here that people see a respiratory nurse, I’m just wondering if I have to ask for one or will one get in touch with me. I feel like I’ve just had a letter with a load of strange words in it and not explained anything to me. I have phoned my doctors and asked for an appointment with a doctor who specialises in the respiratory system but I haven’t been able to book one. I have to just call on the day and see if I can get one then. Can anyone advise please x
respiratory nurse : hi all, I keep... - Lung Conditions C...
respiratory nurse

In 73 years I have never had a respiratory nurse but I know that several members do have access to one. I think that the best thing to do is to call your surgery snd ask if they have a respiratory nurse. If not keep nagging until you can get an appointment with a GP who can explain your letter to you. We really do have to be proactive in getting what we need. We should all kmow by now that the promise to call back is just a way to get us off the line.

Agree with all of Dom’s wise words.
Insist upon an appointment with a respiratory nurse, failing that a doctor, we do have to b proactive, very much so.
In Essex there is a team of respiratory nurses who provide Pulmonary Rehab and tell you to contact them if you have any concerns. i think we are much better off than many areas. Some surgeries have respiratory nurses, but I suspect they are not always specialists, just nurses who have been delegated with the job.
My surgery has a nurse who does yearly reviews and copd she reffered me to a respiratory nurse, It was when she had given me everrything she could prescribe. (trimbow etc,)
Ask your gp to be reffered.
thank you all, it’s such a lovely place to be, I’m so glad I found this site xx
Most gp surgeries have an asthma or copd nurse.id insist upon an appointment
I see my respirotry nurse once a year in my surgery. X
My Gp practice has a respiratory nurse, who I prefer to see. She deals with reviews flare up and prescribing.She can also make a request for an additional appointments with the consultatant or Gp if required.There is also a community respiratory team that I get masks from for my nebuliser. I can make an appointment to see the respiratory nurse by calling at any time. If i want to see a Gp I need to call at 8am. I have to say I have have alway got one.
Hi mine is via respiratory department in the hospital and I can email her if she's not in the department when I go. Also at gp surgery it's just a nurse practitioner who checks yearly obs
In my area there seems to be just the one respiratory nurse who it's extremely hard to get hold of. Keep asking - if it's a service available to you I would definitely use it! Xx
My surgery has a respiratory nurse who carries out annual review of asthma but in my area there is a community respiratory team, nurses and physios who visit at home or the nurses hold clinics. They are invaluable in my opinion as I have direct contact with them if I need help or advice. They also arranged Pulmonary Rehab. I think you need referring to them from either consultant or GP. Hope this helps - keep well.
Our hospital based respiratory team have a nurse but seeing her is not easy. As others have said sometimes you have to ask directly.
Hi 🙋♀️, I see a respiratory nurse at the hospital usually about twice a year. She only deals with inhalers for me but there is also a respiratory team who deal with breathing techniques etc. Which my lung specialist refers me to. I don't understand why this isn't readily available nationally (postcode lottery!). Seems very unfair. Hope you get some help soon. Meanwhile the lovely people on this forum will help you with tips if they can 🙂
Hi, if you are under a consultant they usually have an asthma/resp nurse, but my GP also has an asthma/resp nurse who is highly qualified in all things bacteria. Hope this helps. Maximonkey
I don’t have a specific respiratory nurse, if I can ( not always available to get) I make an appointment with the COPD / asthma nurse, since COVID it’s always on the phone, very rare you get a face to face one now, & they have stopped doing peak flow tests anyway, but it’s the best you seem to be able to get in my neck of the woods, maybe try your surgery for something similar 😊💐xx
If I go I always ask respertory nurse because I went one time and the nurse said sorry I can't advise much always ask for respertory nurse or docter
I have a respiratory team in Cheshire who I see every month for an oxygen check and they have also organised Respiratory rehabilitation and I'm on the list for Tai chi. I can also ring them if I have any concerns. I was put in touch with them when I needed oxygen but I know quite a few see them who are not on oxygen. I was referred by my local hospital but it's definitely worth speaking to your surgery.
Hi there,
There are 2 levels of respiratory care with staff attached to them.
Primary care ( your surgery ) They should have a practice nurse with respiratory knowledge or a nurse who is a respiratory champion ( they have a slightly higher level of training )
We see the teams below either by being referred by the GP to see them or they support us after a spell in hospital.
Secondary care ( Community and Hospital linked ) Specialist Respiratory nurses and Oxygen nurses, Physios, Occupational therapists . ward based staff on Respiratory wards, Medical staff including Consultants.
I would ask your local respiratory nurse at the surgery to explain the contents of the letter to you.
Go well.
I asked my husband's consultant if there was a respiratory nurse that could be contacted for any questions or concerns but was told they don't have one. My husband does have a rheumatology nurse he can contact with concerns/ questions about his RA at the same hospital. It seems strange to me that there isn't one for Respiratory when it's such a serious and worrying illness.
I agree clovergrass and I don’t think there’s one at my surgery. I’ve been told there’s a doctor who’s good with respiratory but they can’t book an appointment before hand, I’ve been told to call on the days that he works to see if I can get an appointment on that day. Since covid doctor surgery’s don’t want to know.
It probably depends on where you live. I am very fortunate to be in an area where you are automatically (I think) in coming under a respiratory team at the hospital. I have had 6th month/annual reviews with a respiratory physio with a helpline if I have a problem. The helpline is a fast response one. Last year I telephoned the helpline, not being sure if I was starting with a chest infection it was a Friday and we agreed to see how things went and to phone back on Monday - I was much worse by then so they sent a nurse within a few hours who sent me off to hospital. This year, same situation, and there was an available slot for me the same day when I phoned so I had a nurse round to check whether I was starting with infection, it was picked up when she listened to my chest and started me on antibiotics and steroids. Fast action meant that I avoided being admitted to hospital this time, and the team checked up (by phone) every few days to see how was doing until I said thanks very much, am now much improved. I cannot speak more highly of them and am just glad of the support available.
My surgery is crap, I phoned today and asked if they had a respiratory nurse as I wanted someone to talk through my results, I was told there was one but no appointment given instead the receptionist with no medical training talked me through my results lol. She basically picked out the word mild and emphysema and hey presto I’ve got mild emphysema and nothing to worry about lol.