So,old professor D has worked out the Lansoprazole the medical consultant at the hospital gave me to line my stomach thereby sorting the damage done by all the damn steroids I take,is giving me constipation and is making me feel like being sick.So I,ll stop them and see what happens.They,re a pain to take anyway,has to be an hour before anything else,so on an Alendronic day I can,t have my breakfast for an hour and a half.Sorry to bore you all but Mrs D is asleep and the cat just won,t listen.Wondering ,if I don,t take my Alendronic this week will it matter? One of you clever lovelies must know,please?Hope everyone is enjoying the improvement in the weather,I sure am.Keep smiling!D.
Sick of being sick.: So,old professor D... - Lung Conditions C...
Sick of being sick.

Hi farmer D , what day do you take your alendronic acid you have time to ask your surgery before that day.
I must admit I do miss my tablet out if my stomach is playing have to drink so much water with it and keep upright for so long. You can take it the next day if you feel better.....but I would seek advice first
The weather here took a turn for the worse yesterday, cold damp and grey and it looks no better today.
This post is unlocked so I hope I don't get into trouble for saying I miss a tablet out sometimes! But there's no way I would want to be sick after taking one.
I hope you feel better soon and take care
Hi Knitter,sorry I always forget about locking stuff,lucky my car has ante-theft technology.I usually have my Alendronic on a Saturday but not last week because I was in the hospital,it was Sunday.My stomach is so mash upI think I,ll give it a miss this week.I have to phone my pharmacist tomorrow about something so I,ll ask her advice,she,s great.Cheers!D.
Yes the best idea is to ask your pharmacist as I can't advise you just say what I have done in the past.
My father had stomach problems most of his life so I am very careful now.
I have been prescribed Gaviscon Advance and I find that very good, you can take it when you need, but you have to leave a gap between taking it and ABs or steroids...the pack will tell you.
I find sucking an ice cube or sipping tonic water or flat cola can help with short term nausea.
I hope you get it sorted soon or else back to your GP.
Hi Knitter,I,ve been on Gaviscon for years because of my penchant for strong lager( Don,t drink now ) it,s usually very good but not having much effect this time.Need to wait on my gastric endoscopy,not got appointment yet,to see what's going on.Ice cube,s a good idea,thanks.D.
Hi Professor D
It's Sunday 7.30am... So you will get no sense out of me.
What an ignorant cat...l would hold his dinner just out of reach until he has listened to your concerns. 😂
I have just read the info sheet for Alendrolic....are you post menopausal ? As it can make you nauseous.😂
I hope it's not your lansoprasole....l have just been prescribed those this week, l just haven't got the time to be sitting on the loo all day ! 😂 Us OAPs have busy schedules. 😂
Seriously...that's a word l don't use very often...l wouldn't mess about with your meds, without speaking to your GP.
Happy Sunday Prof
Velvet x
Hi Velvet,I went through the menopause when I was six so it,s not that.Don,t worry you,re probably not one in ten of anything ( that's proportion of side affecting ) ,you,lol be the one in a million that does,nt get any side effects.They do say Don,t self prescribe but then give us rescue packs which we have to "self prescribe" .It,s a lot of doo doo,or not in my case.As I said to Knitter the gastric endoscopy should shed some light,might phone them and see if they can expedite it.But phoning a hospital these days can take weeks.Chat soon yah hear.D xxx 💐
Hi Farmer D. When I first started taking Lansaprozole I felt sick for about two weeks. So did my sister. The trouble is that Alendronic can damage the oesophagus and perhaps the stomach so I guess this is why the consultant gave you the Lansaprozole. So you are stuck in a bind. AAAGGHH! Side effects!

The medical consultant said it was for the damage caused by the Preds.Never had a problem with the Alendronic,that I,ve known of.D.
Oh horrible drugs. Luckily I have never had to have the preds but it seems that years and years of antibiotics did all of the damage to my oesophagus. I hope that you find a way to get it all to settle down.

Just had a look through the bumf with Alendronic and it could well be my problem.I have been lucky it,s not often I have nasty side effects.Having said that been on Preds. more than two years now constantly so they will take a toll.Roll on the gastric endoscopy.D.
Hope you sort it with pharmacist tomorrow until then I hope it's a beautiful sunny morning where you are and you have a lovely day x
I don't have the health issue that you have so forgive me if I am overstepping the mark here, but could it be the alendronic acid that is causing the stomach,nausea problem?
I took it for about 3 years and it was not stomach friendly for me,to say the least,
It can irritate and cause a lot of damage.
Just a though!

Thanks Sal,I will bare that in mind,I know it's a very strong drug,but then again we do need our bones Don,t we lol.D.
Beautiful cat D. Sorry I can't help re drugs but I do take Lansoprazole for my hiatus hernia and find them great, shame you don't get on with them. Pete takes a different drug starting with O or E I think, not much help am I!
Hope you find something that works for you anyway and wishing you well.
Hi Sassy ,interesting you mention hernia.I have a massive ,probably double,incision hernia(I call it "wee D") every doctor that see it goes" my that,s impressive " then proceeds to knead it like pastry thinking they are the first one to do this.After the third doctor this actually gets quite painful,I think they may even bruise it a little.So another problem to contend with.Oh well life goes on ,hope you are well.D.
Farmer, sorry you cannot get on with Lanzoprazole, it's really effective on the whole.. although I often still get acidity when lying down. If you have a garden grow peppermint to make a strong infusion, it helps a lot. Also a couple of tablespoons of natural yoghurt will settle your stomach down. Hope this helps. Polly x
Thanks for all your concern and ideas
I have the same problem with the morphine patches they are 7 day patches by the 4th day I'm in agony and look 6 months pregnant so I have to remove them a real pain in the rear end lol