Morning chums,I am an avid fan of Question Time pm BBC1 Thursdays 10.45 ,being a bit of a political bore.TLast night was interesting with Nicky Morgan ( Tory ) trying to defend the budget and failing.A lot of waffle later she more or less admitted that the welfare cuts for us lot would have to be re-thought as there has been such a backlash and the sugar tax has not hidden it as well as was hoped.So I would say we can relax a little bit.It,s an old Tory trick suggest outrageous cuts then the not quite so outrageous ones get through easier.So smile and enjoy the sunshine we have a reprieve for a bit anyway.Cheers D. π
Good news maybe.: Morning chums,I am an... - Lung Conditions C...
Good news maybe.
confirms your thoughts AND (news to me) explains the so-called logic of the cuts. Three Tory MP's kicked off of disability groups, Tory MP's openly stating that this is worse than last years tax credit changes, compared to Jeremy Hunt's junior doctor fiasco & shows a VERY divided Tory party (helped by the BREXIT farce).
Seems this might be the 2016 U-turn ... we can only hope so!
Tories not happy with all the adverse publicity. Facebook and Twitter has been full of name and shame of Tory MPs who voted for the cuts.
I saw something like this on the news last night saying along the lines many Tories were against the cut's to welfare and this could be over turned lets hope, but I still believe the system need's changing back to what it was.
The sugar tax is a joke they put the tax on the company and the company pass it on to us what they should of done is stop the company putting so much sugar in the drinks.
Guess who have shares in the soft drinks companies? Go on bet you can,t guess. Lol.D.
I would Tories and still I don't think this tax will work if parents buy the drinks for the kids. My daughter needed a brace but before the brace was fitted she need some teeth removing and while at the hospital I noticed how many kids about 4 or 5 had rotten teeth
I agree with you it is the parents fault. I have a boy and a girl and I never gave them fizzy drinks when they were small.

When wee I would go to bed sucking a Polo mint because I had acid reflux,never told any one.I still have most of my teeth oddly just a couple of the front ones got kicked out lol,good old Bonny Scotland.D.
Yes use to be a mainly Scottish thing,now all over UK,Trouble being big companies actually hide sugar in so many products we ger use to the sweet taste and then crave it.
My daughter works in McDonald's and she has seen parents giving children as young as three month fizzy drinks and she thinks it is disgusting.

The buns at McD always seem so sweet to me.Establish the craving and you have them for life.Your daughter sounds very sensible.ππ½
I was talking to a friend and she told me her 14 year old grandson only has 1 P E lesson a week. A couple of years ago when I was at school I would have 3 P E lessons a week I did netball, hockey. gymnastics, cross country and swimming. We would also do sport after school and twice a week I would do judo at the local club.
All I saw was Jamie Oliver banging on about sugar tax never saw him encouraging kids to exercise and brush the teeth after eating or drinking these drinks
My wife is a teacher 4-10 year olds,the head has just said they can,t do art anymore,different subject, but what the hell.We are both fuming.
Now the public services have to pay extra into their pension schemes......less money for the NHS and schools and armed forces. ...just listening to Radio 4.
It's time that the Tories competence ( capability ) was challenged, Sorry for pun..
There was a statement from Work and pensions ( online ) saying that the consultation was completed on the 11th March and will not be watered down, At least that's what I think they were saying? they change their minds more times than I change my shirt!! No wonder we are in it all together POOP that is!
I hope you are correct!