Hya guys, my dad got rushed into hospital Wednesday with what we think is a real
bad chest infection. He finished a course of antibiotics the Friday before but had more steroids to see him through until Monday.
Up until 4pm Wednesday afternoon everything seemed 'normal'. He then started complaining that he couldn't catch his breath (which isn't uncommon since he's had an infection) so m l a I just made sure that he was ok offering any help I felt would help. By 6pm his o2 was 54 so I didn't hesitate and ring 999. He was moved from resusatation to Clinical Decision Unit and that's where he still is because there are no beds free on the respiratory ward. Only other option is high dependency because he needs to wear the bicap mask and the nurses don't know how to use it. But being as he's hasn't moved I'm assuming that they can't take him either.
This is his 3rd admission in 6 months and just by chance yesterday whilst visiting him the nurse left his medical card on his bed which I then noticed that he had been given morphine and diamorphine the 2 previous mornings around 2-4am. He's never had it on other admissions so I questioned it with him, he responded for pain I suppose. I know his co2 is high and he tells me he has headaches but then he says he's taken paracetamol to help.
The nurses are run off they're feet and not being trained on respiratory diseases I can't help but worry. He doesn't seem to be getting better and nobody has the time to explain what's going on. I just hope that it being Monday a new week that there's possible room on the respiratory ward.