Hi everybody, I've just been diagnosed with copd, I'm 60 years old, never smoked, lung function 67% been given an inhaler for first time, what happens now, please be honest
Copd: Hi everybody, I've just been... - Lung Conditions C...

webmd.com/lung/copd/gold-cr... hi angelstone your fev1 is very good so don't be worrying yourself silly or googling ok luv,, take your sprays and keep active ,expect other members will advice you as well , as its xmas nx week most members are making sure there pets are cared for , happen that's why none have replied yet luv,, but as I said your fev 1 is very good, have a luvly xmas yes, the link ive shown read it luv it shows you the stages and you are good .take care .

Thank you
hi angelstone its ok luv ,, fev1 is good to go you take care and active ok ,read the link , have you had your jabs , flu and pheonmia one as its recommend you have them, ask your gp to sort them out asap .keep away from people with colds , and flu ,but at your fev 1 now keep as active as you can as sumtimes you no you can improve on it,, walk daily and wrap up now its winter. you have many years yet dunt worry and dunt google rubbish .anything you want to no ask on hear not google.

Doctor not mentioned flu jab, things have happened so quickly, I've just been out to post 7 Xmas cards and I was out of breath, I am overweight and after next week will work on that, sprays I've not got used to yet, they make no difference, might b doing it wrong, feel tired and bloated, thank you for replying
hi ring your gp up angelstone tomorrow and book for both of them , you could be given them together a don't no for sure there, but you must have them luv, and ask gp or the nurse to show you how to use them , they have to show you . plus a tad heavy you no can effect our breathing as can the weather it doesn't mean your getting worse so keep going out to exercise the lungs,, ring up first thing or if you can get down there for an early apponiment what a no they keep , that's why we cant get through and when we do, its all gone ring 8am tomorrow so try to get there for 8 , 830 and grab one ,,

OK thanks
bing.com/search?q=video+on+... on hears page angelstone techniuqes vidoes on the best way to use them,

Thank you
Hi Angela it's always a shock to receive a diagnosis like this and we have all been through it. Make sure you don't smoke (and avoid second hand smoke like the plague), eat healthily and exercise regularly.
I do agree with tisBAme though, don't google indiscriminately as you will scare yourself silly, and stick to recognised sites like this and the NHS one. I was 56 when diagnosed with copd at about your level, and the doctor told me something else would probably get me first ie old age. So unless you want to live to 120 try not to fret too much.
Obviously it is a progressive condition but you will learn to manage it in time. Most of what I know about it I have learnt on here so stick with us and we will do our best with advice and support. Ok? x

Thank you so much, I've never smoked but my mum, dad and ex husband did, glad you've said its a shock because everyone says its OK but its got to be a life changing illness
It's not ok and it is a life changing illness of course, but at your stage it won't interfere with your life much going by my own experiences. I find the sob (short of breath) bit the worst but it doesn't trouble me much except going up hills and steps, then I just go a bit slower. I also find that when I get a cold I am much more likely to get a chest infection and feel worse than 'normal' people do. It lasts a bit longer and I sometimes get flu like symptoms and tiredness. But apart from this you learn to adapt and most people slow down a bit when they get older anyway.
Remember that copd with an 'e' in is COPED. That's what we all do. There are many on here with very severe copd and have been that way for years. They still have a good quality of life and enjoy it. So when you get over the shock (and you will) learn everything you can about it to protect yourself, then just file it away under 'Chronic Condition' and get on with the rest of your life. x

Ok i will do. Thank you so much
Nothing just take it easy and slow down a bit and do not think you are a spring chicken any more
Good luck

That made me smile, thank you
Hi Angela,
Welcome, it's never easy to take in all the ramifications that the lung diseases and how they will effect your life. I was lucky when I had my initial assessment and told what to expect from the medical side of things. The consultant suggested I join this site as I would find support and friendship for the daily living changes that would happen. Four years on I am so glad I have friends that are always here, especially when things go a bit wobbly.
As for advice, what I can say is be kind to yourself, if you are a rush here and there sort of person, slow down don't kick yourself if you feel tired and try to work through it don't, rest.
Hope you have a lovely Christmas.