Dealing with this right now. My Pulm, who thought nothing of it, well I should say, he did not know the significance of it. Well I do! He never said how it could relate to dyspnea. I just had to figure out on my own I guess. Part of the reason why I am seeing a new Pulm. Amazing how some people with lower FEV's, have no symptoms, yet mine is, well not long ago was, over 100% for my age. Hyperinflation does not happen overnight, so I wonder how long I have had it. I had a VQ scan a couple weeks ago and was normal. I am considered mild, or minimal small airway disease with mild obstruction. I would think that most people would get hyperinflation later on. Who knows. I hope that Spiriva can reduce it over time. It has been shown favorably with LVRS in this regard. Not sure if others are in the same boat and have had improvement. I have been on Spiriva only 3 weeks. Supposed to have a HRCT, with inspiration/expiration in a couple weeks and a stress ECHO. Just ready to have the tests done and move on. Not looking for any miracles, just some answers.
Be well everyone.