Just got back from p r programme half dead I did not know you could get out of breath for doing so little but it seems to work and helps your breathing it goes on for 12weeks if this is my first week God help me at the end of it
Pulmonary rehabilitation programme - Lung Conditions C...
Pulmonary rehabilitation programme

Ha, by the end of it you will be so much fitter you will wonder how you could have done so little at the beginning! Enjoy!
Hi Edtongue
Thanks for sharing that with me...l start my PR the week before Christmas.
Guess l will need a medicinal Christmas sherry to get over it.
Velvet xx
I have the image of you being like that spec savers ad with the old people dancing ,
I suppose its not to bad not really my kind of thing , I fell a sleep during one of the talks , kept trying to get us to join the local breath easy group but they wasn't really very good at selling it one of their incentives to join was you get a trip to the seaside in the summer and a Christmas dinner , we only live 15 mins drive from nearest beach ,its fine for people that enjoy that kind of thing but im not really one for all the group meeting things ,
I always called it the torture chamber, on the last day put a not on Gym door ' Keep out Crime Scene!
Hi Edtongue1,I did PR twice a week for six weeks it does feel like you won't get through it but iImust say it will get better, and its a revelation especially if you did a bleep test to start ,they redo it at the end and you will see the progress you made,stick with it
Hi Edtongue, what do you do there?
i did one stink took my oxegen with me but so breathless but they are refering me again this year but going to try and get reasdy for this one if i can by excercising a little more than i do i find i really have to be pused because im so out of breath but people twell me the more i use i wont loose it we will see
you will find it gets a bit easier ,good luck.
Hi, I start tomorrow on my first session, I'm very doubtful that it will work but reading through the replies looks like I should give it my best shot. 2 months ago I failed the assessment test to see if I was fit enough to have PR, but I failed, anyway since then I have had visits from a physio she gave me a home programme. although not easy I do think it has helped me. Tomorrow is the crunch day !!!
Hi Edtongue
I finished a PR course a while ago and found it very beneficial. I now exercise at home as often as I am able to keep the benefits to my breathing. I have had 3 secondary illnesses in a row which has reduced the amount of exercise I can do and my chest feels tighter. I have found my lungs are much better when exercise 4 or 5 times a week. At the moment I have a swollen throat which makes breathing much more difficult and exercise impossible. I feel very frustrated at present because I cannot exercise enough to reduce the tightness in my chest.
What I am trying to say is stick to the course because if you work at it you will benefit. Once you are confident exercise at home as often you are able because you will continue to benefit. A small improvement is far better than a decline.
Best wishes, keep it up.
Aaawwww come on ! One session down and the rest to look forward to! There is no easy way to help yourself become fitter, feeling better and in the long run helping to improve the quality of your life...gotta put the hard yards in to feel the benefit! So how's about a smile in your face, keep an open mind and go for it eh?
P xxx
I was just wondering if this sort of therapy is mainly used for COPD conditions? I have IPF, on oxygen 24 hrs and awaiting transplant assessment. I am painfully aware that my last 6 minute walk test didn't go well. Has anyone out there with IPF been offered Pulmonary Rehabilitation to improve the distance they can walk?
Thanks in advance for any info
I believe it for any with a lung condition who will benefit from the course.
My last course out of 15 there where only two with emphysema.
The conditions where vaired including IPF.
Hi Stone
Thanks for that. Looks like I'm in for some hard work. I know from another forum that there are distances that have to be met in order to make transplant list in other countries. In NZ 200m and US 600ft. I assume it's similar here. I'd have little chance at moment so will have to try the rehabilitation
Thanks again