If you read to the bottom of the article, something for COPD sufferers too.
Apologies if this has been posted previously
If you read to the bottom of the article, something for COPD sufferers too.
Apologies if this has been posted previously
Interesting, and hopeful.
New one on me scrobbs, well spotted. . I'll go and stand in the freezer right away Ha Ha. x
Start juicing beet roots!
Oooh! Beetroots are actually quite easy to grow too. x piggi
I have always been a firm believer in the body letting you know what it needs - spookily for the last few days I've been craving beetroot and .................... yarp, you guessed it, chocolate. Now apparently, if you crave chocolate you are low in magnesium.
How long have you been writing newspaper articles, scrobbitty?
Very interesting article, really is food for thought. Many thanks Scrobbitty.
Yes i posted this myself a couple of weeks ago after my friend found it.........its a really interesting topic lets hope x
Hiya Scrobbity, that's interesting reading.
I bought some beetroot juice a few weeks ago (2 4 1 offer of organic juice in Waitrose). I tried & tried but it was a bit revolting. I know beetroot soup is delicious though. I wonder if heating it kills the nitrates.
If it has to be raw uncooked en perhaps grating it in salads?
Hope you're well xx Pen
Oh I am so glad you were the guinea pig on the beetroot juice! Will have to see if I can find anything on cooked beetroot killing off the nitrates (where's stilltruckin when you need her! :))
I'm still alive, so that's a bonus; not fabulously alive but you can't have everything. x
'The method used to cook vegetables affects the amount of nitrate they retain .... Nitrates leach out of vegetables when they're boiled; the longer they're boiled, the more nitrates you'll lose. However, when you boil vegetables, you also lose healthy nutrients your body needs. Cooking methods such as steaming, roasting and stir-frying ensure that vegetables retain nutrients, including nitrates.'
Amazing what you can find out if you look hard enough ..............
Oh excellent πππππ I love that doctor & his programmes.
There are a load more links to his other programmes & experiments when you scroll down including his info on vitamin D (hahaha hohoho)!
Thank you so much for that, I'm away at the weekend dog sitting and will read all that site has to offer. Yippie xx
My latest recipe. Beetroot, Carrot and Apple Juiced and mixed. Absolutely beautiful.