Hi does any one know where I can buy protective hard case for Ventolin inhaler. Thanks
Inhalers: Hi does any one know where I... - Lung Conditions C...

Hi sister
Many people use amazon so I don't feel I am promoting them but try this link
Good luck and look good with this trendy little bunch LOL
My first thought was why would you need one.
I've just remembered I had a shock last weekend. Whilst staying with my daughter for the week end she announced " mum, I've let the spider out of your spacer, and cleaned out its web, shame, it was a perfect web"!
Ive no idea how it got in or how the web survived my inhalation so twice daily. I shall be more vigilant on inhaler hygiene from now on.
If you're wondering, I wear reading glasses so can't see small things close up.
Good link thanks SK. I really need one for my inhaler as it gets thrown about in my handbag and the top invariably comes off. x
OMG don't .
D'you really think that's possible? I'm still using the same one. I'll wash it now.
There's a filter in the breathing end Flib, I thought it would be ok.
I have never used a cover for my inhalers but your post reminded me that my Dad made himself a leather 'purse' for his.
Why not use a leather specticles case, the type with the spring back at the opening, spec savers will give you one if you ask them. Neo.
Oh thanks, I shall sleep easy now. I believed you I really did 😳! I don't mind spiders at all but a nest of baby spiders gives me the willies.
I will definitely be more careful in future. I'm a bit OTT about not breathing particles into my lungs but never thought about the spacers or inhalers. Silly me
It ok Flip, I'm world's most gullible - as well as the clumsiest!
Sister bird - sorry to high jack your post! All in a good cause 😉
I use one of these, Kills 2 birds with one stone, is a hard case and a spacer! amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00...
why buy a cover when its has its own blue one anyway
I buy a box of 100 small resalable snack bags from Tesco's, as I have to have a portable nebuliser with me I can put a clean mouth piece and liquid carrier in one and then after I have used it I can pop them back in the bag and reseal it until I get home saves getting the main nebuliser pouch damp. I also use one for each my inhalers and slip them in my handbag.