Not Eating Meat...: I'm wondering what... - Lung Conditions C...

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Not Eating Meat...

48 Replies

I'm wondering what it says about us...the knee-jerk reaction to the imbecile who shot the lion I mean...

From throwing him in a dank prison cell to death of a thousand cuts, we vent our spleen...helpless to do anything other than let rip...hastily camouflaging the more descriptive words which could cause offence...

We aren't bleeding heart liberals...just ordinary people distressed and saddened by the totally needless death of an animal in a country far away.

Did you sit down last Sunday to a proper roast dinner? Did you baste a chicken while it sizzled in the oven and remember not everyone likes the stuffing.

Perhaps you sat down last night and ate a pork chop with apple sauce...there was a special offer on at the supermarket...too good to pass by.

If you are lucky enough to have grandchildren coming to visit you, maybe you take them to MacDonald's for a burger and fries...won't hurt...just this once.

You always buy organic meat? That's alright then...doesn't follow that your organic bacon rashers came from a free-range pig rooting about under the trees in a forest you or not, it'll have had its teeth clipped and its tail docked...its mother will have been confined to a crate...she won't have wallowed happily in a sty. And she won't have had sex with a boar either. They are milked of their semen...after they've been teased with a young sow that they can't get at...then the breeding sow will be impregnated with the pig version of a turkey baster.

Just because the label says Free-Range and Freedom Food...doesn't mean that your pork chop was given a dish of food in his yard surrounded by familiar scents and sounds while a kindly man shot him neatly and swiftly in the head...

He'd have been put into a crowded lorry with hundreds of other pigs and delivered to the abattoir...frightened half witless by the sheer amount of noise and commotion...squealing and screaming while being hit with sticks to go into the killing area by people hardened by their working conditions...pig welfare the very last thing on their minds.

You see...I doubt you could afford to buy proper free range pork. Pigs reared out in the open on organic foodstuff...bedded down on clean straw rather than slatted metal floors...killed swiftly and cleanly by a small slaughterhouse run by people who care for the animals welfare.

If commercial pigs have a rough time, then think about chickens...eggs often have a label stating the hens are free to roam...except they don't. There might well be a field outside their shed but they won't venture through the pop holes to explore...

Beef? I can't go there.

Being meat free doesn't make you a lentil eating hippy wearing sandals...

From the eversohumble macaroni in a cheese sauce to stuffed sweet a seriously delicious nut loaf...thick vegetable soups and fresh bread...grilled Goats cheese and a leafy salad...the internet is full of ideas for meat free meals.

You see, I fully understand the outcry over that cretin who shot the lion...he wasn't hungry enough to eat Cecil...the animal wasn't rushing towards him, teeth bared, and he felt his life was under immediate threat...

But don't make the mistake of imagining your dinner has had a good life...don't think...even briefly, that because you've paid a bit extra for 'organic' that the slice of cow you're tucking into was killed swiftly and humanely after living a life free of suffering...

You can't spit venom at that man for killing a virtually defenceless creature if you sit down this evening to tuck into sausages and mash.

48 Replies
DozyDormouse profile image


thanks for that Vashti. Just what I needed before supper a sermon. I am an unashamed meat eater and shall continue to be so. I have held my sheep and pigs as the slaughterman shoots the bolt.

My butcher can name his meat and knows every farm it comes from, but, if I had only £5 for Sunday lunch for 4, then I too would be buying the 2 chickens for a fiver.

Each to his own for survival.

Dozy 🐀

in reply to DozyDormouse

It is a matter of personal choice every time Dozy...I dislike the taste of meat and haven't eaten any for very many years...but that's my choice.

Wasn't intended to come across as a sermon...I'm sorry if you saw it that way.

Lynda1952 profile image

Well done Vashti. It has certainly given me food for thought. Never thought of it in the way you have described, very thought provoking xx

in reply to Lynda1952

Not everyone is seeing it the way you do...think I might have stirred up a Hornets nest!

starveycat profile image

Reminds me of an old neighbour from the village were I used to live. A fox took up residence in the village we all used to watch it going about his daily routine , until this neighbour shot it, only the gun backfired, as his wife said it could not have happened to a better person :-) he landed up with a very sore eye. I have not eaten meat or fish for over 30 years but I do eat cheese and the odd egg, do hope Murphy is doing well cheers :-)

in reply to starveycat

I like goats long as it isn't too goaty! And eggs...our own eggs were the best but the hens were taken by

madhead profile image
madhead in reply to starveycat

Love it!!

mmzetor profile image

I think you are being very harsh there .I have worked on farms nearly all my life raising cattle and sheep yes there are bad farms and practises going on but not all farmers and farm workers are like that ,The majority care very much for the welfare of their animals the beef we produced was from cattle that had be reared outside on grass and fodder in the winter they were brought in about 3 months before slaughter in large barns to fatten up on clean straw give hay ab lib and other cereal based food plenty of room to move about when slaughter came they travel normal 10 miles to small local abitaor were they was a government inspector to check they was healthy clean ect . It was not in our interest to hurt them in any way . The sheep was well cared for the summer lambs were with their mothers until they left the farm yes they didn't have a long life but they was looked after the best we could and were well treated . yes we put little ring on their tails that stop the blood and in a few weeks the tail droped of was they bothered yes for couple of mins after putting ring on them back to mum suckling her milk if we didn't do it they would and end up getting caught on brambels ect and also get fly struck which is an incredible horrid thing for any animal to get for those that don't know fly lay eggs in the dirty wool which hatch into maggots that eat the live animal away if not treated it dies . Think of lambing time 3am in the morning freezing cold barn in shirt sleves trying to birth a difficult lamb we didn't give up how ever long it took then having to resuscitate the lamb not going to bed till we knew it had suckled it mother and it was warm dry and save . not all pigs are reared how you have described my friend runs a large pig farm they are reared on proper floors covered in straw . The country side wouldn't look like it does with out livestock don't forget it was the arable farmers who wanted the trees cut down the hedges ripped out ponds ditches filled in so they could use bigger machinery to grow more cereals vegetables ect

in reply to mmzetor

I had no intention of causing any offence...I was simply writing about my own personal experiences.

mmzetor profile image
mmzetor in reply to

sorry vashti not having a go just its not all bad some are yes I had young teen working with me once he was smacking a bullock as hard as he could because it wouldn't go were he wanted so I said give me the stick I will do it and i wacked him across the back of the legs and said how do you like he never hit them after that

in reply to mmzetor

It's ok I don't take it personally...just writing about what I know.

madhead profile image
madhead in reply to mmzetor


I live next to a farm and i do admire the hard work that goes into Animal farming as Our Farmer works relentlessly and his cattle and sheep are well cared for. When i first moved here i could hear at around 10pm cattle being loaded up to take for slaughter and it did freak me out but i am used to it now and this is the life cycle for most animals.

Keep it up.

I agree with you totally vashti. I haven't eaten meat for 45 years because of the cruelty of their lives and deaths. Even as a teenager I knew it was wrong.

It takes one third of the fields required to feed a vegetarian than it does for a meat eater, so far less trees would need to be cut down, and just maybe we could feed the world? x

mmzetor profile image
mmzetor in reply to

I take it you don't have cow milk either ? it would be lovely if we could feed the world there is just so much wasted food in the developed countries look at all the waste in this country just because the supermarkets don't want it because its an odd shape or a different size we use to have lorry loads of waste vegtables come from the factories for cattle feed lovely carrots parsnips cabbages and cauliflowers because of wrong shape size ect was really a wicked waste

in reply to mmzetor

No we don't...goats milk from a small herd. Used to have our own milking goats until I became too ill to milk them.

mmzetor profile image
mmzetor in reply to

I bet you miss having them . goats are one thing I never had any thing to do with .im guessing to have to get then in kidd every year to keep milking like a cow . I suppose female kids are used as follow on but what happens to all the billy kids

in reply to mmzetor long as you don't breathe a word to anyone...male goats are usually sold for food and/or the skins are used in the making of bodhrans... the traditional Irish drum...

They don't make good pets, even when neutered and if left un-neutered they stink to high heaven...

Gold13 profile image
Gold13 in reply to

Cought2, Help.We need a new game.Think,I hate all this mmmmmmmmgggggg! Please make me smile and a belly chuckle would be nice when I awake up XXXXOOOO Gold13

in reply to Gold13

No obligation to either read or comment you know...sorry you 'hate' it...just my opinion is all.

in reply to

I think we're such a long way off getting a balance...doubt it'll happen in our lifetimes...

Wow Vashti! As you said, you've certainly opened up a Hornet's nest !! Jan xx

in reply to

So I

I love animals, I like meat, I feel like a hypocrite. I always buy "free range" I trust that it is what it says it is. love Leelee. X.

in reply to

I think 'free range' is a fairly elastic description but please don't feel you need to justify eating meat...that is your decision and yours alone. xxx

Gold13 profile image

Now Vashti, if you don't eat your meat. You won't get any pudding. Sorry I like Pink Floyd.I'm a little off the wall. I just wanna have PUN ! ! ! It's awful what they do to animals.I love my animals as my children. I've had a dog that was 19 years old,2 cats.a mother and her son.Tiger and Sam.They each pasted away at 18 years old..Many other cats and dogs .Right now I have 3 rescue cats.lucky little critters.. Love an Peace to all. Gold13

Gold13 profile image

Vashti As I read the replies,I want to apologize for anything I may have said.I don't eat cow.I see the poor little calfs they have pinned in so they can shoot them up with chemicals that will eventually hurt our grandchildren. GOD HELP US ALL.😿 Tomorrow maybe we can have coughalot make up a game. A light day of chuckles. XX Gold13

in reply to Gold13

Don't worry water off a ducks back! xx

knitter profile image

Mmm, Vashti....that's a difficult subject you have raised. My daughters are veggies and I eat very little meat ....but my grandfather was a butcher , other relations were farmers.............and you do have cats and dogs. Definitely carnivores....though I think you can feed dogs vegetables.....cats need meat, and they torture their prey, I have seen my cats playing with a mouse or bird.

Sorry if I have offended you but I was eating my tea when I opened your post!

in reply to knitter

Cats are horrid when they bat half-dead birds and mice about...!

snappy1 profile image

I can see both sides and this has been a healthy debate on both sides, I think the way you take things depends on your state of mind, I was not offended by Vashti's statement and I eat meat, however I don't it beef or lamb as I don't like the taste or texture, I also have meat free meals about once a week because I'm not in the mood for meat. Everybody is different which is what makes this site interesting, seeing people's reaction to what people think. Happy Friday everyone. Peace:)

knitter profile image
knitter in reply to snappy1

Hi snappy, I too dislike beef, pork and lamb...but I am afraid I do eat some chicken.

Soy sausages and mince are my standby, some people can't understand why I like a meat substitute though. Bean burgers are good too.

in reply to knitter

Soy mince is so adaptable...and I do like beans in every shape and form...a burger with a crusty roll and salad...yummy!

in reply to snappy1

The differing points of view are always interesting to read...feel a bit sad when anyone takes what I write about too personally though.

Happy Friday to you...xx

velvet55 profile image

Hi Vashti

Is your ' Murphy, Meow, Meow, vegetarian or does he eat meat or fish.

' The Murf ' in my house Woof, Woof, loves his steak, just like me !!

Got to go, my bacon buttie is getting cold.

Carnivore Velvet xx

in reply to velvet55

Murphy loves the Sardine dinners I give him...but he likes the chicken and the turkey ones as well...!

velvet55 profile image
velvet55 in reply to

The Murphy's of this world have superb taste !!

Velvet xx

You raise valid points Vashti, I love meat! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion however popular or not it is! You go girl :)

in reply to

Offcut profile image

I am a meat eater but a good valid post well put as usual.

in reply to Offcut

Thank you Offcut...

2malinka profile image

That's why I am a vegetarian . That guy is such a revolting excuse for a human being!



in reply to 2malinka

Agree with you...

Nikkers profile image

Well said Vashti. Yes, you probably have stirred it up?......So what? There are people, and people, and we differ in all our ways of living, but should not shout down those who don't agree with us. I personally am a meat eater, but could not hurt a fly....I even have a humane mouse trap so that I can set them free when my 3 cats bring them in!

My Daughter is a veggie and cooks delicious meals, it just takes time to look for alternatives. Trouble is, we've been carnivores since man came out of the caves and it'd hard to change.

How the true is the saying...."What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over!"

in reply to Nikkers

There are sides to every argument of course...don't care if people eat meat or live on fresh air actually...but writing about it stirs up something of a hornets nest...silly me!

Nikkers profile image

No prob's from me....everyone to their own!

mmzetor profile image

its is a touchy subject but its good we can share our opinions either way . I can see peoples points when they say im a vegetarian either because they don't like the taste of meat or the thought of eating a dead animal yea that's reasonable .this is the bit my Norfolk brain cell struggles with is when they say I don't eat meat because its cruel but they then say I drink milk and have dairy products now why do they think the cow goat ect has milk for them its to feed her baby . The calf that is normal take away from mum at round 3 or four days old some of the females depending on breed of bull go on to be milkers but the males if they are lucky go on to be beef cattle and live to be between 2 and 2 and a half years old the unlucky one get shot at a few days old just so we can have the mothers milk .IF I was a bull calf what would I want to be a stud bull lol no I think it would be better to go on to a beef farm

madhead profile image

Hi Vashti,

i dont eat meat and i dont condone some one killing just for the sport of it, if i met this person who shot that Lion i would be inclined to give him the same treatment. I am not a nasty person and each to their own whether they eat meat or not. i understand that humans are meat eaters but not for sport please!!!!

why are humans so cruel?

Dragonmum profile image

I'm an unrepentant meat-eater - but to pay a fortune to just kill a sentient creature for the pleasure of doing so is loathsome and repugnant.

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