I'm thinking about moving to sunnier climes...somewhere where there are Olive groves perhaps and pavement cafes with old men playing chess under the shade of striped umbrellas...
Somewhere where Lemons grow...fat and juicy...and small boys with brown feet guard herds of goats...
A place where it is quiet under the mid-day sun...shutters closed...tavernas dim and cool...a man with a white apron and a big tummy...his feet up on the bar...snoozing away.
Bright scarlet geraniums in cracked terracotta pots...lines of clean linens hanging between the houses...soft white sand and a clear azure sea...
A house with a veranda...and long muslin curtains that flutter in a slight breeze...a desk, with paper and ink, set before the window over-looking the harbour...to sit and dream away the long afternoons...
A dog perhaps...a lean dog with paws too big and an ill-fitting collar, who'd follow at my heels when I went to buy fresh caught fish...loll about outside the bar while I drank rough red wine and ate olives from an earthenware bowl...my fish wrapped in a newspaper I cannot read...
Skinny cats with be-draggled kittens meowing anxiously outside the open windows while I cooked the fish for supper and watched as the small fishing boats set sail again...
Nights spent listening to the crickets...watching bats swoop past...lying in a cool room as the doors of the tavern slam shut and the old men make their way home...a baby cries and is hushed...the sky filled with a million stars.
The dog lies at the foot of the bed...his paws twitching in dreams of scurrying rabbits and scrawny feral cats...
Comes a violet sky while the sun rises on another day...