I have the kind of face which makes small children burst into tears...they rush to their mothers and tug her arm and hide themselves under her jumper...peeping out to see if the nasty lady has gone away yet...
There was a time when I felt quite offended actually...but now the schools have broken up for the summer holidays and small people are darting about all over the place...getting under your feet and swinging off the shopping trolley and being generally shouty and almost always obnoxious...
So I give them my special nasty lady smile and they vanish in a flash...round the corner of the aisle wailing for their Mammy...
There was a security guard in Tesco's today...the sort of bloke without a neck...you've seen them...all jangly keys and shirts stretched tightly over big tummies...he was loitering by the wines and spirits while two young oiks were picking up the bottles of horribly expensive whiskey...I was terribly tempted to smile at the little dears...it'd have frightened them much more than the hefty security bloke...
Then there are the true horrors...men in shorts.
Men in shorts wearing ordinary shoes and socks.
Very large men wearing brightly coloured shorts with sandals and white socks. They buy white wine in a box and have lengthy debates with the girl behind the cheese counter about the merits of black or green olives...they prod the pre-packed cheese with plump fingers and end up buying a nice piece of cheddar...
Exceedingly big men wearing brightly coloured shorts with a belt...the belt nestling uncomfortably somewhere around the groin...they buy expensive whiskey and talk loudly in strident Essex accents...
Large men in shorts and ordinary shoes and socks wearing a t-shirt of AC-DC who wink and leer when I push my trolley past them...their trolley is stuffed with six packs of cheap lager and special offer pizzas...
Very tall, very skinny men, who wear long baggy Khaki shorts right down to their knees...proper leather sandals, sans socks, but who haven't cut their toenails for a long, long time. And they always have hairy toes. Like Hobbit toes. They veer towards wearing t-shirts with a much faded Greenpeace logo on the front...their children are slightly grubby and haven't had their hair brushed for quite a while, but their accents would shatter glass...they have trolleys filled with economy bags of lentils and organic mushrooms...large bottles of rough cider and un-waxed lemons.
As for us...Himself had his grumpy face on, but then he was wearing a thick winter sweater...he does it on purpose once the sun comes out...I spent too much money on ice-cream and bought a new loo brush...