just spent 20 days in hospital with pneumonia just wondered what best thing to do to build up strength i am 68 years suffer from emphysema stage 4 discharged 4 days ago i also wondered how long to wait before i go out they have given me 6 weeks supply of antibiotics
pneumonia: just spent 20 days in... - Lung Conditions C...

Hello Rememdium, I'm so sorry to hear you've been so poorly, you must be in need of gathering your strength back after your ordeal, I so dread having to go to hospital, what was it like in there?
I'd have plenty of eggs, some nice tender steak, fish with lots of cheese sauce, try adding marvel or any dried milk to milk puddings lice rice. Porridge oats, flapjacks are good too anything that gives a slow energy release, apples, bannanas, real butter on tasty fresh bread with jam, plus complan....
Hope you feel better with each day, hugs huff xxx forgot to say try and get out and have a little fresh air every day regardless of ab's and drink.lots of good water.
Hi, long time no see, we joined about the same time.
Very sorry to hear you've been so poorly.
I've had pneumonia 5 times, if only I knew then what I know now recovery may not have taken so long.
Do you have anyone to shop for you and cook sometimes? I hope you're not alone as I was, I couldn't have managed without my friends and neighbours bringing me food and M&S ready meal. I didn't have the strength to cook myself for a while.
Anyway, my shopping list now would be:
M&S ready meals (they have fewer nasties) for standbys.
M&S soup pots, pop in freezer
Eggs, fish you like
Little steaks if you can manage them
Plenty of veg, frozen is fine then you can eat as much or little as you feel like
Vital: acidophillus capsules take them now & for next three months
Tubes of effervesant Vit C & Zinc, take 2-3 times a day - makes a good drink in a pint of water to get your fluids up (usually 3 for 2)
A good multivit & mineral
Super Vit D3
Manuka Honey high strength (M&S has 15+) or honey from local bees (expensive but YOURE WORTH IT)!
You need to rebuild your very much depleted immune system and take care of your gut with all the antibiotics.
Exercise a little, don't strain yourself or your heart from over exertion just yet, easy does it
Fresh air, if it's cold be careful, cover your lower face & breath in through your nose.
Self help: watch a few YouTube videos for tips on breathing exercises & pursed lip breathing - you need to keep your oxygen level up (if you can afford it get an oximeter, £20 on Amazon). I realise now one of the reasons I felt so dreadful was that my sats were low all the time.
I know it's a long list, however, you need to nourish & cherish youself back to health.
I wish you the very best, get strong & well soon. Peege xxx
ps if you can only do one of the above get the acidophillus. X
Hello Rememdium. Some very good advice above to help you build yourself up. But please remember the recovery from pneumonia can take quite while. Feeling exhausted and sleeping quite a lot is part of recuperating. I took over three months before I began to feel up to par again and I've heard others say similar. Gently and steadily is the key. Take care and look after yourself.
thanks everyone for advice came out 5 days ago swollen legs and calf muscle pain now walk short distance room length no calf pain got good sleep last night get sob very easily sometimes have to stop while eating and rest have got ageuk to bring me some aids to help i have someone to look after me but i try to do things for myself with my trusty grabber stick just i want to speak to doctor and wondered how long to wait as it takes a while to see one
You should have a follow up appointment with the hospital at around six weeks after discharge. It is usual at that point to also have an xray. If this hasn't happened you need to see your GP. My appointment kept being put off and I ended up with damage to my lungs that could have been avoided if not for incompetence.
It is early days for you after such a long bout of pneumonia so little steps at first and no overdoing it. If you have any worries maybe a call to your GP for his advice would set your mind at rest.