Well this is a very pleasantly populated little forum. All credit to you people for giving this space great community spirit and loving- kindness.
I had a bout of pleurisy 15 months ago on top of chronic bronchitis. Then I got the CB again 6 months ago, and it lasted on and off for 3/4 months. Went to Doc. Xrayed. Saw some hyperinflation and scarring. Fev1 was about 80-83 ... oh, and basically stopped smoking by then, (still hard to knock one back socially sometimes. Never a heavy smoker, but long term on rollies).
I feel the scarring 24/7 almost. Get sleep apnea, fatigue and lightheadedness. I am 51 with 4 kids between 3 and 15 years old. I dont feel great about going on meds. At my stage is that an error?